MPE::Suprtool - Perl extension for calling Robelle Suprtool

  (1) Currently, your current working directory must be an MPE
      group for this module to work.  A later version of Suprtool
      should fix this.

  (2) "make test" will purge and create the following files, so
      *don't run it* if you have real files of these names that
      you need!!

      Note that these are in PUB group.

  (3) If your Suprtool2 XL is not ST2XL.PUB.ROBELLE, you can specify
      an alternate XL when you install the module.  For example, if
      the XL is "ST2XL.REL43.ROBELLE", you type:
         perl Makefile.PL DEFINE="-DST2LOC=ST2XL.REL43.ROBELLE"
      before you
         make install

Many thanks to Robelle, which generously supported the completion of this