IPC::Transit::Router - Allows fast, simple routing of Transit messages SYNOPSIS use IPC::Transit; use IPC::Transit::Router qw(troute troute_config); troute_config({ routes => [ { match => { a => 'b', }, forwards => [ { qname => 'some_q' } ], transform => { x => 'y', }, } ], }); troute({a => 'b'}); my $ret = IPC::Transit::receive(qname => 'some_q'); #$ret contains { a => 'b', x => 'y' } DESCRIPTION This library allows fast, simple routing of Transit messages FUNCTION troute_config($config); The config used by all mroute calls troute($message); Pass $message through the config; this will emit zero or more IPC::Transit messages. TODO A config validator. BUGS None known. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Dana M. Diederich. All Rights Reserved. AUTHOR Dana M. Diederich <diederich@gmail.com>