NAME Data::Enumerator - some iterator utilities for perl SYNOPSIS use Data::Enumerator qw/pattern generator/; my $cases = generator( { hoge => pattern(qw/a b c/), fuga => pattern(qw/x y z/), fixed => 0 } ); for my $case ( $cases->list ){ print pp($case); } # { hoge => 'a',fuga => 'x'} # { hoge => 'a',fuga => 'y'} # { hoge => 'a',fuga => 'z'} # { hoge => 'b',fuga => 'x'} # { hoge => 'b',fuga => 'y'} # { hoge => 'b',fuga => 'z'} # { hoge => 'c',fuga => 'x'} # { hoge => 'c',fuga => 'y'} # { hoge => 'c',fuga => 'z'} DESCRIPTION Data::Enumerator is utilities for iteration and test data generation like itertools in python or C# IEnumerable. This module is marked EXPERIMENTAL. API could be changed without any notice. pattern to create an iterator by a provided list. my $gen = pattern(qw/a b c/); # $gen->list => ('a','b','c') a generator can product another generator my $gen = pattern(qw/a b c/)->product(pattern(qw/x y/)); # $gen->list # ["a", "x"], # ["a", "y"], # ["b", "x"], # ["b", "y"], # ["c", "x"], # ["c", "y"], generator to create all pattern of data structure which contains pattern. my $users = generator({ sex => pattern(qw/male female/), age => range(10,90,5), category => pattern(qw/elf human dwarf gnome lizardman/) }) this code is a syntax sugar of the following code: my $user = pattern(qw/male female/) ->product( range(10,90,5) ) ->product( pattern(qw/elf human dwarf gnome lizardman/)) ->select(sub{ +{ sex => $_[0]->[0],age => $_[0]->[1],category => $_[0]->[2]} }); so you can enumerate all pattern of users. $user->each(sub{ my $user = shift; $ do stuff }); AUTHOR Daichi Hiroki <hirokidaichi {at}> SEE ALSO LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.