NAME Dancer::Template::Haml - Haml wrapper for Dancer SYNOPSIS set template => 'haml'; get '/bazinga', sub { template 'bazinga' => { title => 'Bazinga!', content => 'Bazinga?', }; }; Then, on "views/bazinga.haml": !!! %html{ :xmlns => "", :lang => "en", "xml:lang" => "en"} %head %title= title %body #content %strong= content And... bazinga! DESCRIPTION This class is an interface between Dancer's template engine abstraction layer and the Text::Haml module. In order to use this engine, set the following setting as the following: template: haml This can be done in your config.yml file or directly in your app code with the set keyword. SEE ALSO Dancer, Text::Haml TODO The usage of helpers, filters and attributes. This will be implemented once Dancer has capabilities to take specific parameters for each templating engine it supports. AUTHOR This module has been written by David Moreno, <>. LICENSE This module is free software and is released under the same terms as Perl itself.