perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install

If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.


The primary module provided with this distribution, 
Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage, is an abstract perl class that provides a 
render_xml method to create the gene page XML, but does not fetch the
data.  In order to effectively use this module, you need to subclass it
and implement all of the methods that are listed under ABSTRACT CLASSES
below for your database.  These abstract methods are responsible for 
providing Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage with the data to create the XML.

There are two example implementations included with this module.  
Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage::Chado is a simple implementation for a Chado
database populated with S. cerevisiae data obtained from SGD as GFF3. 
Currently, the output of this implementation can be seen at

and by clicking on any of the genes (red arrows).

The other implementation, CXGN::Phenome::GenericGenePage, is from SGN, the SOL
Genomics Network.  The XML they provide can be seen by clicking on the
"Download GMOD XML" link on any of there locus pages; for example, this one:

For more information see or
contact Scott Cain,

While there is no example cgi included in this distribution that show
how this module can be used, that could be included in future distribution
if there is interest in it.