NAME Dancer::Plugin::Test::Jasmine - Inject and run Jasmine tests in your web pages VERSION version 0.2.0 SYNOPSIS In config.yml: plugins: 'Test::Jasmine': specs_dir: t/specs prefix: /test lib_dir: /path/to/jasmine/dir additional_scripts: - /uri/to/script.js additional_css: - /usr/to/other.css In application: package MyApp; use Dancer; use if $ENV{DANCER_ENVIRONMENT} eq 'development', 'Dancer::Plugin::Test::Jasmine'; ...; DESCRIPTION This plugin helps running Jasmine <> tests for your Dancer application. If the plugin is enabled, a request with queries having one or more "test" fields will make the application inject the Jasmine library and the tests in the response (if no "test" parameter is present, the response is left untouched). The library is injected at the end of the head section of the page, and the tests at the end of its body. To incorporate those tests to your Perl test suites, see Dancer::Plugin::Test::Jasmine::Results. In addition to Jasmine itself, this plugin also load jasmine-jquery <>. CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS specs_dir The directory where the Jasmine tests are to be found. Defauls to "t/specs". prefix The uri prefix under which the Jasmine library and the Jasmine specs files will be available . Defaults to "/test". lib_dir By default the plugin uses a version of Jasmine and its JSON reporter bundled in its share folder. If you prefer to use your own version of Jasmine, you can specify its directory via this parameter. additional_scripts additional_css If specified, the plugin will include those scripts and css files in addition of (and after) the Jasmine stuff. The paths are just the straight uris where to find those files. For example, to test an Angular application one can add: plugins: Test::Jasmine: additional_scripts: - /js/angular-mocks.js RUNNING TESTS AS PART OF PERL TEST SUITES Obviously, the tests need to be run from within a browser with a JavaScript engine. But if you desire to have the tests included in your regular test suites, there are several test modules allowing interactions (Test::WWW::Selenium, WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS) with browsers. In addition of the regular HTML report, the Jasmine test results are also accessible via the JavaScipt function "jasmine.getJSReportAsString()", thanks to the Jasmine-jsreporter <> plugin. The module Dancer::Plugin::Test::Jasmine::Results provides a helper function "jasmine_results" that takes in the Jasmine results, and produce equivalent TAP output. WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS For example, if we wanted to run the test 't/specs/verify_title.js' via PhantomJS, we could use: use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use JSON qw/ from_json /; use Test::TCP; use WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS; use Dancer::Plugin::Test::Jasmine::Results; Test::TCP::test_tcp( client => sub { my $port = shift; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::PhantomJS->new; $mech->get("http://localhost:$port?test=verify_title"); jasmine_results from_json $mech->eval_in_page('jasmine.getJSReportAsString()'; }, server => sub { my $port = shift; use Dancer; use MyApp; Dancer::Config->load; set( startup_info => 0, port => $port ); Dancer->dance; }, ); done_testing; SEE ALSO The original blog entry <> Jasmine <> - the JavaScript testing framework jasmine-jsreporter <> - Jasmine plugin used to get the results via JSON AUTHOR Yanick Champoux <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Yanick Champoux. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.