NAME Module::Install::PodFromEuclid - Module::Install extension to make POD from Getopt::Euclid-based scripts SYNOPSIS # In Makefile.PL: use inc::Module::Install; author 'John Doe'; license 'perl'; pod_from 'scripts/'; DESCRIPTION Module::Install::PodFromEuclid is a Module::Install extension that generates a `POD' file automatically from an indicated script containing Getopt::Euclid command-line specifications. The POD file is generated using the --podfile option of Getopt::Euclid, but only whenever authors run `Makefile.PL'. While this extension will be bundled in your distribution, the pod_from command does nothing on the user-side. Note: Authors should make sure that `Module::Install::PodFromEuclid' is installed before running `Makefile.PL'. This module was inspired and borrows a lot from `Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod'. COMMANDS This plugin adds the following Module::Install command: `pod_from' Does nothing on the user-side. On the author-side it will generate a `POD' file that has the same base name as the Perl file, using Getopt::Euclid's --podfile feature: pod_from 'scripts/'; # generate scripts/my_script.pod If you use the `all_from' command, `pod_from' will default to this value. all_from 'scripts/'; pod_from; # create scripts/my_script.pod AUTHOR Florent Angly <> LICENSE Copyright Florent Angly This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details. SEE ALSO Getopt::Euclid Module::Install Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod