
This module is designed to support CGI-like applications that are designed
to receive XML data as the body part of an HTTP POST request.  This is likely
to be useful in Message Oriented Middleware or Business to Business type
applications.  In principle it could be also be used to support SOAP or
XML-RPC server applications, but bearing in mind that there are modules
that already do that well it probably isn't necessary.


The module is installed in the standard way :

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

The last step may have to be done as a user with administrative privileges.
If you want to install the module in an alternative location then the first
command will become:

    perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/my/install/directory

and then in any programs that use the module you will need to add the
directory to @INC with something like:

   use lib '/home/gellyfish/foo/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1'   

(with the obvious adjustment to your PREFIX and perl version.


The module has no absolute external dependencies, except as of version
1.3 if you require to use the as_xpath() method you will need to have
XML::XPath installed - however the module will function otherwise
without it.  However the test suite does require that Test::More is
installed (this is part of the 5.8.0 distribution anyhow).


Copyright (c)  Jonathan Stowe 2002 - 2016

This module is free software.  It can be distributed under the same terms
as Perl itself.  The Perl license can be found in the file README in the
Perl source distribution.
