# NAME Telegram::BotKit - Set of Perl classes for creation of interactive and dynamic Telegram bots. Now bots can only process text, but work in progress :) # VERSION version 0.03 # KEY FEATURES - 1. State machine in JSON file Allows to create a simple bots for house even for housewife - 2. Support of dymanic screens screen = text \[and/or\] image \[and/or\] document \[and/or\] voice \[and/or\] location \[and/or\] reply markup - 3. Independent and prev msg dependent screens Screens can be shown just according sequence in JSON or can depends on previous user reply (callback\_msg property) - 4. Data validation Bot can automatically control is last user reply valid and show pre-defined message if reply is not valid - 5. Smart serialization At last screen bot is calling some perl function that uses some external API. Bot store sequence of user inputs and can process data before calling serialize function - 6. Auto 'Go back' key For convenience # STATE DIAGRAM <div> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/PqkaiXD.png" /> </div> # CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE Here is example of simple booking bot { "screens" : \[ { "name": "item\_select", "start\_command": "/book", "welcome\_msg": "Please select an item to book", "keyboard": \[ { "key": "Item 1", "answ" : "Good" }, { "key": "Item 2", "answ" : "Well" }, { "key": "Item 3", "answ" : "Fine" } \] }, { "name": "day\_select", "parent": "item\_select", "welcome\_msg": "Please select a day", "keyboard": \[ { "key": "today" }, { "key": "tomorrow" } \] }, { "name": "time\_range\_select", "parent": "day\_select", "welcome\_msg": "Please select atime range", "keyboard": \[ { "key": "morning", "answ" : "You are early bird" }, { "key": "day", "answ" : "Good choice" }, { "key": "evening", "answ" : "Owl" } \] }, { "name": "morning\_time\_range\_select", "parent": "time\_range\_select", "callback\_msg": "morning", "kb\_build\_func": "dynamic1\_build\_func" }, { "name": "dynamic2", "parent": "time\_range\_select", "callback\_msg": "day", "kb\_build\_func": "dynamic2\_build\_func" }, { "name": "info", "start\_command": "/info", "welcome\_msg": "Get info", "kb\_build\_func": "info\_build\_func" } \] } # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.