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ansiexpand, ansiunexpand - ANSI sequences aware tab expand/unexpand command


ansiexpand \[ option \] file ...

ansiunexpand \[ option \] file ...

    -u --unexpand               convert spaces to tabs
    -x --minimum=[#]            minimum space count to be converted
    -t --tabstop=#              tab stop width
       --tabhead=char           tab head character
       --tabspace=char          tab space character
       --tabstyle=style         tab style
       --ambiguous=wide|narrow  width of Unicode ambiguous character
    -z --zap                    read whole contents at once


Version 1.06


**ansiexpand** is an [expand(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/expand) compatible command utilizing
[Text::ANSI::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3ATabs) module, which enables to handle ANSI terminal
sequences and Unicode wide characters.  Not only expanding tabs to
spaces, it can visualize them in various styles.

This is a command line interface for [Text::ANSI::Tabs](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3ATabs) module, which
uses [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold) module as a backend.  Consult them for
implementation detail.


- **-u**, **--unexpand**

    Behave as unexpand command.

- **-a**

    This option exists only for compatibility with the `unexpand`
    command.  It can be used but has no effect on the behavior of the

- **-x**\[#\], **--minimum**=\[#\]

    By default, two or more consecutive whitespace characters are
    converted by the **-u** option or `ansiunexpand` command.  This option
    sets the minimum number of whitespace characters to be converted.  If
    no value is given, a value of 1 is assumed, and all possible
    whitespace is converted to tabs.

- **--tabstop**=#, **-t**#

    Set tab stop width.  Unlike [expand(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/expand), takes only single value.

- **--tabhead**=_char_
- **--tabspace**=_char_

    Set tab head and following space character.  If longer than single
    character, it is considered as a Unicode name.

- **--tabstyle**, **--ts**
- **--tabstyle**=_style_, **--ts**=...
- **--tabstyle**=_head-style_,_space-style_ **--ts**=...

    Set the style how tab is expanded.  Select `symbol` or `shade` for
    example.  If two style names are combined, like
    `squat-arrow,middle-dot`, use `squat-arrow` for tabhead and
    `middle-dot` for tabspace.

    Show available style list if called without parameter.  Styles are
    defined in [Text::ANSI::Fold](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text%3A%3AANSI%3A%3AFold) library.

- **--ambiguous**=`wide`|`narrow`

    Set the width of Unicode ambiguous characters.  Default is `narrow`.

- **-z**, **--zap**

    Instead of processing one line at a time, read all data contained in
    the file at once and processed together.


`ansiunexpand`, with or without the `-a` option, always converts all
possible spaces, not just leading ones.  Because there is no point in
using the `ansiunexpand` command to convert only leading spaces, so
please use the normal [unexpand(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/unexpand) in that case.


- `~/.ansiunexpandrc`
- `~/.ansiexpandrc`

    Start-up file.
    See [Getopt::EX::Module](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AModule) for format.



    $ cpanm App::ansiexpand


[App::ansiexpand](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aansiexpand), [https://github.com/tecolicom/App-ansiexpand](https://github.com/tecolicom/App-ansiexpand)




Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright ©︎ 2021-2024 Kazumasa Utashiro

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.