# NAME Web::Request::Role::AbsoluteUriFor - Construct an absolute URI honoring script\_name # VERSION version 1.004 # SYNOPSIS # Create a request handler package My::App::Request; use Moose; extends 'Web::Request'; with 'Web::Request::Role::AbsoluteUriFor'; # Make sure your app uses your request handler, e.g. using OX: package My::App::OX; sub request_class {'My::App::Request'} # in some controller action: # redirect $req->absolute_uri_for({ controller=>'foo', action=>'bar' }); # https://yoursite.com/mountpoint/foo/bar # don't use the base-uri from $req by passing an explit additional value $req->absolute_uri_for({ controller=>'foo', action=>'bar' }, 'https://example.com'); # https://example.com/mountpoint/foo/bar # DESCRIPTION `Web::Request::Role::AbsoluteUriFor` provides a method to calculate the absolute URI of a given controller/action, including the host name and handling various issues with `SCRIPTNAME` and reverse proxies. ## METHODS ### absolute\_uri\_for $req->absolute_uri_for( '/some/path' ); $req->absolute_uri_for( $ref_uri_for ); $req->absolute_uri_for( '/some/path', $base-url ); Construct an absolute URI out of `base_uri`, `script_name` and the passed in string. You can also pass a ref, which will be resolved by calling `uri_for` on the request object. If you pass a second argument, this value will be used as the base-uri instead of extracting it from the request. This can make sense when you for exampel host a white lable service and need to generate different links based on some value inside your app. # THANKS Thanks to - [validad.com](https://www.validad.com/) for supporting Open Source. # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.