Locale::Unicode::Data - Unicode CLDR SQL Data

        use Locale::Unicode::Data;
        my $cldr = Locale::Unicode::Data->new;
        # Do not decode SQL arrays into perl arrays. Defaults to true
        # This uses JSON::XS
        my $cldr = Locale::Unicode::Data->new( decode_sql_arrays => 0 );
        my $datetime = $cldr->cldr_built;
        my $str = $cldr->cldr_maintainer;
        my $version = $cldr->cldr_version;
        my $dbh = $cldr->database_handler;
        my $sqlite_db_file = $cldr->datafile;
        my $bool = $cldr->decode_sql_arrays;
        # Deactivate automatic SQL arrays decoding
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'ja-JP' );
        # ['ja-JP', 'ja', 'und']
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'es-Latn-001-valencia' );
        # ['es-Latn-001-valencia', 'es-Latn-001', 'es-Latn', 'es', 'und']
        # But...
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'pt-FR' );
        # Because exceptionally, the parent of 'pt-FR' is not 'pt', but 'pt-PT'
        # ['pt-FR', 'pt-PT', 'pt', 'und']
        my $ref = $cldr->split_interval(
            pattern => "E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G",
            greatest_diff => 'y',
        # ["E, MMM d, y", " – ", "E, MMM d, y G", "E, MMM d, y"]

        my $ref = $cldr->alias(
            alias => 'fro',
            type  => 'subdivision',
        ); # For 'Hauts-de-France'
        my $all = $cldr->aliases;
        # 'type' can be one of territory, language, zone, subdivision, variant, script
        my $all = $cldr->aliases( type => 'territory' );
        my $ref = $cldr->annotation( annotation => '{', locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->annotations;
        # Get all annotations for locale 'en'
        my $all = $cldr->annotations( locale => 'en' );
        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_currency( currid => 'jpy' );
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_currencies;
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_currencies( code => 'JPY' );
        # Get all obsolete BCP47 currencies
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_currencies( is_obsolete => 1 );
        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_extension( extension => 'ca' );
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_extensions;
        # Get all deprecated BCP47 extensions
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_extensions( deprecated => 1 );
        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezone( tzid => 'jptyo' );
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_timezones;
        # Get all deprecated BCP47 timezones
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_timezones( deprecated => 1 );
        # Returns information about Japanese Imperial calendar
        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_value( value => 'japanese' );
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_timezones;
        # Get all the BCP47 values for the category 'calendar'
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_values( category => 'calendar' );
        my $all = $cldr->bcp47_values( extension => 'ca' );
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        my $all = $cldr->calendars;
        # Known 'system' value: undef, lunar, lunisolar, other, solar
        my $all = $cldr->calendars( system => 'solar' );
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_append_format(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
            format_id   => 'Day',
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_append_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_append_formats(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_available_format(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
            format_id   => 'Hms',
            count       => undef,
            alt         => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_available_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_available_formats( locale => 'en', calendar => 'gregorian' );
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_cyclic_l10n(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'chinese',
            format_set      => 'dayParts',
            format_type     => 'format',
            format_length   => 'abbreviated',
            format_id       => 1,
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            calendar        => 'chinese',
            format_set      => 'dayParts',
            # Not really needed since 'format' is the only value being currently used
            # format_type   => 'format',
            format_length   => 'abbreviated',
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_era(
            calendar => 'japanese',
            sequence => 236,
        ); # Current era 'reiwa'
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_era(
            calendar => 'japanese',
            code => 'reiwa',
        ); # Current era 'reiwa'
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_eras;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_eras( calendar => 'hebrew' );
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_format_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_type => 'date',
            format_length => 'full',
            format_id => 'yMEEEEd',
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_era_l10n(
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            era_width => 'abbreviated',
            alt => undef,
            era_id => 0,
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of multiple fields:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            era_width => 'abbreviated',
            alt => undef
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_format_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            # date, time
            format_type => 'date',
            # full, long, medium, short
            format_length => 'full',
            format_id => 'yMEEEEd',
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_type => 'date',
            format_length => 'full',
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_format(
            locale              => 'en',
            calendar            => 'gregorian',
            greatest_diff_id    => 'd',
            format_id           => 'GyMMMEd',
            alt                 => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_term(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            # format, stand-alone
            term_context    => 'format',
            # abbreviated, narrow, wide
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
            term_name       => 'am',
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms;
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'und',
            calendar => 'japanese'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            term_type       => 'day',
            term_context    => 'format',
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
        my $ref = $cldr->casing( locale => 'fr', token => 'currencyName' );
        my $all = $cldr->casings;
        my $all = $cldr->casings( locale => 'fr' );
        my $ref = $cldr->code_mapping( code => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings;
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( type => 'territory' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( type => 'currency' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( alpha3 => 'USA' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( numeric => 840 ); # U.S.A.
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( numeric => [">835", "<850"] ); # U.S.A.
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( fips => 'JP' ); # Japan
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( fips => undef, type => 'currency' );
        my $ref = $cldr->collation( collation => 'ducet' );
        my $all = $cldr->collations;
        my $all = $cldr->collations( description => qr/Chinese/ );
        my $ref = $cldr->collation_l10n( locale => 'en', collation => 'ducet' );
        my $all = $cldr->collations_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->collations_l10n( locale => 'ja', locale_name => qr/中国語/ );
        my $ref = $cldr->currency( currency => 'JPY' ); # Japanese Yen
        my $all = $cldr->currencies;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies( is_obsolete => 1 );
        my $ref = $cldr->currency_info( territory => 'FR', currency => 'EUR' );
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info( territory => 'FR' );
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info( currency => 'EUR' );
        my $ref = $cldr->currency_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            count       => undef,
            currency    => 'JPY',
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            currency    => 'JPY',
        my $ref = $cldr->date_field_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            field_type      => 'day',
            field_length    => 'narrow',
            relative        => -1,
        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            field_type      => 'day',
            field_length    => 'narrow',
        my $ref = $cldr->day_period( locale => 'fr', day_period => 'noon' );
        my $all = $cldr->day_periods;
        my $all = $cldr->day_periods( locale => 'ja' );
        # Known values for day_period: afternoon1, afternoon2, am, evening1, evening2, 
        # midnight, morning1, morning2, night1, night2, noon, pm
        my $all = $cldr->day_periods( day_period => 'noon' );
        my $ids = $cldr->interval_formats(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
        # Retrieve localised information for certain type of data
        # Possible types are: annotation, calendar_append_format, calendar_available_format, 
        # calendar_cyclic, calendar_era, calendar_format, calendar_interval_formats, 
        # calendar_term, casing, currency, date_field, locale, number_format, number_symbol
        # script, subdivision, territory, unit, variant
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'annotation',
            locale => 'en',
            annotation => '{',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'append'
            type => 'calendar_append_format',
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_id => 'Day',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'available'
            type => 'calendar_available_format',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'japanese',
            format_id => 'GyMMMEEEEd',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'cyclic'
            type => 'calendar_cyclic',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'chinese',
            format_set => 'dayParts',
            # 1..12
            format_id => 1,
        # Retrieve the information on current Japanese era (Reiwa)
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'era'
            type => 'calendar_era',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'japanese',
            # abbreviated, narrow
            # 'narrow' contains less data than 'abbreviated'
            era_width => 'abbreviated',
            era_id => 236,
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'calendar_format',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_id => 'yMEEEEd',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'interval'
            type => 'calendar_interval_format',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_id => 'yMMM',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'calendar_term',
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            term_name => 'mon',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'casing',
            locale => 'fr',
            token => 'currencyName',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'currency',
            locale => 'ja',
            currency => 'EUR',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'field'
            type => 'date_field',
            locale => 'ja',
            # Other possible values:
            # day, week, month, quarter, year, hour, minute, second,
            # mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun
            field_type  => 'day',
            # -1 for yesterday, 0 for today, 1 for tomorrow
            relative => -1,
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'locale',
            locale => 'ja',
            locale_id => 'fr',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'number_format',
            locale => 'ja',
            number_type => 'currency',
            format_id => '10000',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            # or just 'symbol'
            type => 'number_symbol',
            locale => 'en',
            number_system => 'latn',
            property => 'decimal',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'script',
            locale => 'ja',
            script => 'Kore',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'subdivision',
            locale => 'en',
            subdivision => 'jp13', # Tokyo
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'territory',
            locale => 'en',
            territory => 'JP', # Japan
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'unit',
            locale => 'en',
            unit_id => 'power3',
        my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
            type => 'variant',
            locale => 'en',
            variant => 'valencia',
        my $ref = $cldr->language( language => 'ryu' ); # Central Okinawan (Ryukyu)
        my $all = $cldr->languages;
        my $all = $cldr->languages( parent => 'gmw' );
        my $all = $cldr->language_population( territory => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->language_populations;
        my $all = $cldr->language_populations( official_status => 'official' );
        my $ref = $cldr->likely_subtag( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->likely_subtags;
        my $ref = $cldr->locale( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->locales;
        my $ref = $cldr->locale_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            locale_id   => 'ja',
            alt         => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n;
        # Returns an array reference of all locale information in English
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        # Returns an array reference of all the way to write 'Japanese' in various languages
        # This would typically return an array reference of something like 267 hash reference
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n( locale_id => 'ja' );
        # This is basically the same as with the method locale_l10n()
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            locale_id   => 'ja',
            alt         => undef,
        my $ref = $cldr->locales_info( property => 'quotation_start', locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->locales_infos;
        my $ref = $cldr->metazone( metazone => 'Japan' );
        my $all = $cldr->metazones;
        my $ref = $cldr->number_format_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            number_type     => 'currency',
            format_length   => 'short',
            format_type     => 'standard',
            alt             => undef,
            count           => 'one',
            format_id       => 1000,
        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            number_type     => 'currency',
            format_length   => 'short',
            format_type     => 'standard',
        my $ref = $cldr->number_symbol_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            property        => 'decimal',
            alt             => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
        # See also using rbnf
        my $ref = $cldr->number_system( number_system => 'jpan' );
        my $all = $cldr->number_systems;
        my $ref = $cldr->person_name_default( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->person_name_defaults;
        my $ref = $cldr->rbnf(
            locale  => 'ja',
            ruleset => 'spellout-cardinal',
            rule_id => 7,
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs;
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( locale => 'ko' );
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( grouping => 'SpelloutRules' );
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( ruleset => 'spellout-cardinal-native' );
        my $ref = $cldr->reference( code => 'R1131' );
        my $all = $cldr->references;
        my $ref = $cldr->script( script => 'Jpan' );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts;
        # 'rtl' ('right-to-left' writing orientation)
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( rtl => 1 );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( origin_country => 'FR' );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( likely_language => 'fr' );
        my $ref = $cldr->script_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            script   => 'Latn',
            alt     => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,
        my $ref = $cldr->subdivision( subdivision => 'jp12' );
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions;
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( territory => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( parent => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( is_top_level => 1 );
        my $ref = $cldr->subdivision_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            # Texas
            subdivision => 'ustx',
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $ref = $cldr->territory( territory => 'FR' );
        my $all = $cldr->territories;
        my $all = $cldr->territories( parent => 150 );
        my $ref = $cldr->territory_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            territory   => 'JP',
            alt         => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,
        my $ref = $cldr->time_format( region => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( region => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( territory => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( locale => undef );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( locale => 'en' );
        my $ref = $cldr->timezone( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( territory => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( region => 'Asia' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( tzid => 'sing' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( tz_bcpid => 'sgsin' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( metazone => 'Singapore' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( is_golden => undef );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( is_golden => 1 );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( is_primary => 1 );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones( is_canonical => 1 );
        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_city(
            locale => 'fr',
            timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo',
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_cities;
        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone    => 'Asia/Tokyo',
            start       => undef,
        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone    => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start       => ['>1991-01-01', '<1995-01-01'],
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( metazone => 'Singapore' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( start => undef );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( until => undef );
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_alias( alias => 'meter-per-second-squared' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_aliases;
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_constant( constant => 'lb_to_kg' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_constants;
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_conversion( source => 'kilogram' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions( base_unit => 'kilogram' );;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions( category => 'kilogram' );
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            # long, narrow, short
            format_length   => 'long',
            # compound, regular
            unit_type       => 'regular',
            unit_id         => 'length-kilometer',
            count           => 'one',
            gender          => undef,
            gram_case       => undef,
        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            format_length   => 'long',
            unit_type       => 'regular',
            unit_id         => 'length-kilometer',
            pattern_type    => 'regular',
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_prefix( unit_id => 'micro' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefixes;
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_pref( unit_id => 'square-meter' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs( territory => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs( category => 'area' );
        my $ref = $cldr->unit_quantity( base_unit => 'kilogram' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_quantities;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_quantities( quantity => 'mass' );
        my $ref = $cldr->variant( variant => 'valencia' );
        my $all = $cldr->variants;
        my $ref = $cldr->variant_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,
            variant => 'valencia',
        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,
        my $ref = $cldr->week_preference( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->week_preferences;

    With advanced search:

        my $all = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start => ['>1991-01-01','<1995-01-01'],
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats(
            region => '~^U.*',
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats(
            region => qr/^U.*/,

    Enabling fatal exceptions:

        use v5.34;
        use experimental 'try';
        no warnings 'experimental';
            my $locale = Locale::Unicode::Data->new( fatal => 1 );
            # Missing the 'width' argument
            my $str = $cldr->timezone_names( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo', locale => 'en' );
            # More code
        catch( $e )
            say "Oops: ", $e->message;

    Or, you could set the global variable $FATAL_EXCEPTIONS instead:

        use v5.34;
        use experimental 'try';
        no warnings 'experimental';
        $Locale::Unicode::Data::FATAL_EXCEPTIONS = 1;
            my $locale = Locale::Unicode::Data->new;
            # Missing the 'width' argument
            my $str = $cldr->timezone_names( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo', locale => 'en' );
            # More code
        catch( $e )
            say "Oops: ", $e->message;


    "Locale::Unicode::Data" provides access to all the data from the Unicode
    CLDR <> (Common Locale Data Repository), using
    a SQLite database. This is the most extensive up-to-date CLDR
    <> data you will find on "CPAN". It is provided
    as SQLite data with a great many number of methods to access those data
    and make it easy for you to retrieve them. Thanks to SQLite, it is very

    SQLite version 3.6.19 (2009-10-14) or higher is required, as this module
    relies on foreign keys, which were not fully supported before. If the
    version is anterior, the module will return an error upon object

    It is designed to be extensive in the scope of data that can be
    accessed, while at the same time, memory-friendly. Access to each method
    returns data from the SQLite database on a need-basis.

    All the data in this SQLite database are sourced directly and
    exclusively from the Unicode official CLDR <>
    data using a perl script available in this distribution under the
    "scripts" directory. Use "perldoc scripts/" or
    "scripts/ --man" to access its POD documentation.

    The "CLDR" data includes, by design, outdated ones, such as outdated
    currencies, country codes, or timezones, that "CLDR" keeps in order to
    ensure consistency and reliability. For example, for timezones, the
    Unicode "LDML" (Locale Data Markup Language) states that "CLDR contains
    locale data using a time zone ID from the tz database as the key,
    stability of the IDs is critical." and "Not all TZDB links are in CLDR
    aliases. CLDR purposefully does not exactly match the Link structure in
    the TZDB.". See

    In "CLDR" parlance, a language
    is a 2 to 3-characters identifier, whereas a "locale" includes more
    information, such as a "language", a "script", a "territory", a
    "variant", and possibly much more information. See for that the
    Locale::Unicode module and the LDML specifications

    Those locales also inherit data from their respective parents. For
    example, "sr-Cyrl-ME" would have the following inheritance tree:
    "sr-ME", "sr", and "und"

    You can build a "locale" inheritance tree using make_inheritance_tree,
    and I recommend Locale::Unicode to build, parse and manipulate locales.

    Also, in those "CLDR" data, there is not always a one-to-one match
    across all territories (countries) or languages, meaning that some
    territories or languages have more complete "CLDR" data than others.

    "CLDR" also uses some default values to avoid repetitions. Those default
    values are stored in the "World" territory with code 001 and special
    "language" code "und" (a.k.a. "unknown" also referred as "root")

    Please note that the SQLite database is built to not be case sensitive
    in line with the "LDML" specifications.

    This module documentation is not meant to be a replacement for the
    Unicode "LDML" ("Locale Data Markup Language") documentation, so please
    make sure to read the LDML documentation
    <> and the CLDR specifications

    The data available from the "CLDR" via this module includes:

    *   ISO 4217 currencies, including BCP47 currencies, their localised
        names and their associated country historical usage.

    *   Calendar IDs with description in English

    *   Calendar eras, for some calendar systems, such as the "japanese"

    *   Territories (countries, or world regions)

        This includes, for countries, additional information such as "GDP"
        (Gross Domestic Product), literacy percentage, population size,
        languages spoken, possible other ISO 3166 codes contained by this
        territory (essentially world regions identified as 3-digits code, or
        special codes like "EU" or "UN"), the official currency, a list of
        calendar IDs (not always available for all territories), the first
        day of the week, the first and last day of the week-end

    *   Localised territory names

        This provides the name of a "territory" for a given "locale"

    *   Territories currencies history

    *   All known locales

        This includes the "locale" status, which may be "regular",
        "deprecated", "special", "reserved", "private_use", or "unknown"

    *   Localised names of locales

        This provides the name of a "locale" for a given "locale"

    *   All known languages

        This may include its associated "scripts" and "territories", and its
        "parent" language, if any.

        Its status may be "regular", "deprecated", "special", "reserved",
        "private_use", or "unknown"

    *   All known scripts

        This includes possibly the "script" ID, its rank, a sample
        character, line break letter, whether it is right-to-left direction,
        if it has casing, if it requires shapping, its density, possibly its
        origin territory and its likely locale.

    *   Localised scripts

        This provides the name of a "script" for a given "locale"

    *   All known variants

        This includes the "variant" status, which may be "regular",
        "deprecated", "special", "reserved", "private_use", or "unknown"

    *   Localised variants

        This provides the name of a "variant" for a given "locale"

    *   Time formats

        This includes the associated "territory" and "locale", the default
        time format, such as "H" and the time allowed.

    *   Language population

        This provides information for a given "territory" and "locale" about
        the percentage of the population using that "locale", their literacy
        percentage, and percentage of the population using in writing the
        "locale", and its official status, which may be "official",
        "de_facto_official", and "official_regional"

    *   Likely subtags

        This provides for a given "locale" the likely target locale to
        expand to.

    *   Aliases

        This provides aliases for "languages", "scripts", "territories",
        "subdivisions", "variants", and "timezones"

    *   Time zones

        This provides IANA Olson time zones, but also some other time zones,
        such as "Etc/GMT". The CLDR data also includes former time zones for
        consistency and stability.

        The information includes possibly the associated "territory", the
        "region" such as "America" or "Europe", the time zone ID, such as
        "japa", a meta zone, such as "Europe_Central", a BCP47 time zone ID,
        and a boolean value whether the time zone is a "golden" time zone or

    *   Time zone information

        This provides historical time zone information, such as when it
        started and ended.

    *   Subdivisions

        Subdivisions are parts of a territory, such as a province like in
        Canada, a department like in France or a prefecture like in Japan.

        The information here includes a "subdivision" ID, possibly a
        "parent", a boolean whether this is a top level subdivision for the
        given territory, and a status, which may be "regular", "deprecated",
        "special", "reserved", "private_use", or "unknown"

    *   Localised subdivisions

        This contains the name of a "subdivision" for a given "locale"

    *   Numbering systems

        This provides information about numbering systems, including the
        numbering system ID, the digits from 0 to 9

    *   Week preference

        This contains the week ordering preferences for a given "locale".
        Possible values are: "weekOfYear", "weekOfDate", "weekOfMonth"

    *   Day periods

        This contains the time representation of day period ID, such as
        "midnight", "noon", "morning1", "morning2", "afternoon1",
        "afternoon2", "evening1", "evening2", "night1", "night2" with values
        in hour and minute, such as "12:00" set in a "start" and "until"

    *   Code mappings

        This serves to map territory or currency codes with their well known
        equivalent in ISO and U.S. standard (FIPS10)

    *   Person name defaults

        This specifies, for a given "locale", whether a person's given name
        comes first before the surname, or after.

    *   References

        This contains all the references behind the CLDR data.

    *   BCP47 time zones

        This contains BCP 47 time zones along with possible aliases and
        preferred time zone

    *   BCP47 currencies

        This includes the currency ID, an ISO 4217 code, description and a
        boolean value whether it is obsolete or not.

    *   BCP47 extensions

        This contains the extension category, extension ID, possibly alias,
        value type and description, and whether it is deprecated,

    *   BCP47 extension values

        This includes an extension category, and extension ID, an extension
        value and description.

    *   Annotations

        This provide annotations (single character like a symbol or an
        emoji) and default short description for a given "locale"

    *   RBNF (Rule-Based Number Format)

        This provides RBNF rules with its grouping value, such as
        "SpelloutRules" or "OrdinalRules", the rule set ID such as
        "spellout-numbering-year" or "spellout-cardinal", the rule ID such
        as "Inf" and the rule value.

    *   Casings

        This provides information about casing for a given "locale"

        It includes the "locale", a "token" such as "currencyName",
        "language" and a "value", such as "lowercase", "titlecase"

    *   Localised calendar terms

        This provides localised terms used in different parts of a calendar
        system, for a given "locale" and "calendar" ID.

    *   Localised calendar eras

        This provides the localised era names for a given "locale" and
        "calendar" ID.

    *   Localised calendar date, time and interval formattings

        This provides the "CLDR" "DateTime" formattings for a given "locale"
        and "calendar" ID.

    *   Language matching

        This provides a matching between a desired "locale" and what is
        actually supported, and a "distance" factor, which designed to be
        the opposite of a percentage, by Unicode. The desired "locale" can
        be a perl regular expression.

    *   Unit constants

        Some constant values declared for certain measurement units.

    *   Unit quantities

        Defines the quantity type for certain units.

    *   Unit conversions

        Define a list of unit conversion from one unit to another.

    *   Unit preferences by territories

        Defines what units are preferred by territory.

    *   Unit aliases

        Provides some aliases for otherwise outdated units.

    *   Localised units

        Localised unit formatting.

    *   Locale Number symbols

        Value used for each locale for "approximately", "currency_decimal",
        "currency_group", "decimal", "exponential", "group", "infinity",
        "list", "minus", "nan", "per_mille", "percent", "plus",
        "superscript", and "time_separator"

        Not every "locale" has a value for each of those properties though.

    *   Locale number formatting

        Localised formatting for currency or decimal numbers.

    If you need a more granular access to the data, feel free to access the
    SQL data directly. You can retrieve a database handler, as an instance
    of the DBI API, or you can instantiate a connection yourself using the
    database file information

    This takes some hash or hash reference of options, instantiates a new
    Locale::Unicode::Data object, connects to the SQLite database file
    specified, or the default one, and returns the newly instantiated

    If an error occurred, an error object is created and "undef" is returned
    in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

    Supported options are as follows. Each option can be later accessed or
    modified by their associated method.

    *   "datafile"

        The file path to the SQLite database file. If this option is not
        provided, the SQLite database file used will be the one set in the
        global variable $DB_FILE

    *   "decode_sql_arrays"

        Boolean value to enable or disable automatic decoding of SQL arrays
        into perl arrays using JSON::XS

        This is enabled by default.

        If you want to retrieve a lot of data and do not need access to
        those arrays, you should deactivate decoding to improve speed.

    If an error occurs, an exception object is set and "undef" is returned
    in scalar context, or an empty list in list context. The exception
    object can then be retrieved using error, such as:

        my $cldr = Locale::Unicode::Data->new( $somthing_bad ) ||
            die( Locale::Unicode::Data->error );

        my $ref = $cldr->alias(
            alias => 'i_klingon',
            type  => 'language',

    This would return an hash reference containing:

            alias_id    => 5,
            alias       => 'i_klingon',
            replacement => ["tlh"],
            reason      => 'deprecated',
            type        => 'language',
            comment     => 'Klingon',

    Returns the "language", "script", "territory", "subdivision", "variant",
    or "zone" aliases stored in table aliases for a given "alias" and an
    alias "type".

    See the LDML specifications
    rmation> for more information.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "alias_id"

        A unique incremental value provided by SQLite.

    *   "alias"

        The original value.

    *   "replacement"

        The replacement value for the "alias"

    *   "reason"

        Reason for the replacement.

        Known reasons are "bibliographic", "deprecated", "legacy",
        "macrolanguage", "overlong"

    *   "type"

        The type of alias.

        There are 6 types of aliases:

        1. "language"
        2. "script"
        3. "subdivision"
        4. "territory"
        5. "variant"
        6. "zone"

    *   "comment"

        A possible comment

        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases;
        # Filtering based on type
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'language' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'script' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'subdivision' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'territory' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'variant' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->aliases( type => 'zone' );

    Returns all the data stored in table aliases as an array reference of
    hash reference.

    If an "type" option is provided, it will return only all the data
    matching the given "type".

    See the LDML specifications
    rmation> for more information.

        my $ref = $cldr->annotation( locale => 'en', annotation => '{' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            annotation_id   => 34686,
            locale          => 'en',
            annotation      => '{',
            defaults        => ["brace", "bracket", "curly brace", "curly bracket", "gullwing", "open curly bracket"],
            tts             => 'open curly bracket',

    Returns an hash reference of a "annotation" information from the table
    annotations for a given "locale" ID, and "annotation" value.

    As per the LDML specifications
    "Annotations provide information about characters, typically used in
    input. For example, on a mobile keyboard they can be used to do
    completion. They are typically used for symbols, especially emoji

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "annotation_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" ID as can be found in the table locales

    *   "annotation"

        A string representing the "annotation"

    *   "defaults"

        An array of short strings describing the annotation in the language
        specified by the "locale"

    *   "tts"

        A short string describing the "annotation"

        my $array_ref = $cldr->annotations;
        # Get all annotations for locale 'en'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->annotations( locale => 'en' );

    Returns all annotations information for all known locales from the table
    annotations as an array reference of hash reference.

    Alternatively, you can provide a "locale" to return all annotation
    information for that "locale"

        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_currency( currid => 'jpy' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            bcp47_curr_id   => 133,
            currid          => 'jpy',
            code            => 'JPY',
            description     => 'Japanese Yen',
            is_obsolete     => 0,

    Returns an hash reference of a BCP47 currency information from the table
    bcp47_currencies for a given BCP47 currency ID "currid".

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "bcp47_curr_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "currid"

        A string representing a BCP47 "currency" ID.

    *   "code"

        A string representing a ISO 4217 "currency" code, which could be
        outdated by the ISO standard, but still valid for "CLDR"

    *   "description"

        A text describing the "currency"

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean value defining whether the "currency" is obsolete or not.
        Default to false.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_currencies;
        # Filtering based on ISO4217 currency code
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_currencies( code => 'JPY' );
        # Filtering based on obsolete status: 1 = true, 0 = false
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_currencies( is_obsolete => 1 );

    Returns all BCP47 currencies information from table bcp47_currencies as
    an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "code"

        An ISO4217 currency code, such as "JPY"

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean value. Use 1 for "true" and 0 for "false"

        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_extension( extension => 'ca' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            bcp47_ext_id    => 1,
            category        => 'calendar',
            extension       => 'ca',
            alias           => 'calendar',
            value_type      => 'incremental',
            description     => 'Calendar algorithm key',

    Returns an hash reference of a BCP47 extension
    <> information
    from the table bcp47_extensions for a given BCP47 extension.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "bcp47_ext_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "category"

        A string representing a BCP47 extension category.

        Known values are: "calendar", "collation", "currency", "measure",
        "number", "segmentation", "timezone", "transform",
        "transform_destination", "transform_hybrid", "transform_ime",
        "transform_keyboard", "transform_mt", "transform_private_use",

    *   "extension"

        A short string representing a BCP47 extension.

        Known values are: "ca", "cf", "co", "cu", "d0", "dx", "em", "fw",
        "h0", "hc", "i0", "k0", "ka", "kb", "kc", "kf", "kh", "kk", "kn",
        "kr", "ks", "kv", "lb", "lw", "m0", "ms", "mu", "nu", "rg", "s0",
        "sd", "ss", "t0", "tz", "va", "vt", "x0"

    *   "alias"

        A string representing an alias for this extension.

        Known values are: "undef", "calendar", "colAlternate",
        "colBackwards", "colCaseFirst", "colCaseLevel",
        "colHiraganaQuaternary", "collation", "colNormalization",
        "colNumeric", "colReorder", "colStrength", "currency", "hours",
        "measure", "numbers", "timezone", "variableTop"

    *   "value_type"

        A string representing a value type.

        Known values are: "undef", "any", "incremental", "multiple",

    *   "description"

        A text providing a description for this BCP47 extension.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_extensions;
        # Filter based on the 'extension' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_extensions( extension => 'ca' );
        # Filter based on the 'deprecated' field value; 1 = true, 0 = false
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_extensions( deprecated => 0 );

    Returns all BCP47 extensions
    <> information
    from table bcp47_extensions as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "deprecated"

        A boolean value. Use 1 for "true" and 0 for "false"

    *   "extension"

        A BCP47 extension, such as "ca", "cf", "co", "cu", "d0", "dx", "em",
        "fw", "h0", "hc", "i0", "k0", "ka", "kb", "kc", "kf", "kh", "kk",
        "kn", "kr", "ks", "kv", "lb", "lw", "m0", "ms", "mu", "nu", "rg",
        "s0", "sd", "ss", "t0", "tz", "va", "vt", "x0"

        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezone( tzid => 'jptyo' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            bcp47_tz_id => 215,
            tzid        => 'jptyo',
            alias       => ["Asia/Tokyo", "Japan"],
            preferred   => undef,
            description => 'Tokyo, Japan',
            deprecated  => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a BCP47 timezone information from the table
    bcp47_timezones for a given BCP47 timezone ID "tzid".

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "bcp47_tz_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "tzid"

        A string representing a BCP47 timezone ID.

    *   "alias"

        An array of IANA Olson timezones <>

    *   "preferred"

        An string representing a preferred BCP47 timezone ID in lieu of the
        current one.

        This is mostly "undef"

    *   "description"

        A text describing the BCP47 timezone

    *   "deprecated"

        A boolean value defining whether this timezone is deprecated or not.
        Defaults to false.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezones;
        # Filter based on the 'deprecated' field value; 1 = true, 0 = false
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezones( deprecated => 0 );

    Returns all BCP47 timezones information from table bcp47_timezones as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "deprecated"

        A boolean value. Use 1 for "true" and 0 for "false"

        my $ref = $cldr->bcp47_value( value => 'japanese' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            bcp47_value_id  => 16,
            category        => 'calendar',
            extension       => 'ca',
            value           => 'japanese',
            description     => 'Japanese Imperial calendar',

    Returns an hash reference of a BCP47 value information from the table
    bcp47_values for a given BCP47 value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "bcp47_value_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "category"

        A string representing a BCP47 value category.

        Known values are: "calendar", "collation", "currency", "measure",
        "number", "segmentation", "timezone", "transform",
        "transform_destination", "transform_hybrid", "transform_ime",
        "transform_keyboard", "transform_mt", "transform_private_use",

    *   "extension"

        A short string representing a BCP47 extension.

        Known values are: "ca", "cf", "co", "cu", "d0", "dx", "em", "fw",
        "h0", "hc", "i0", "k0", "ka", "kb", "kc", "kf", "kh", "kk", "kn",
        "kr", "ks", "kv", "lb", "lw", "m0", "ms", "mu", "nu", "rg", "s0",
        "sd", "ss", "t0", "tz", "va", "vt", "x0"

    *   "value"

        Possible value for the current BCP47 extension. One "extension" may
        have multiple possible values.

    *   "description"

        A text describing the BCP47 extension value.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_values;
        # Filter based on the 'category' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezones( category => 'calendar' );
        # Filter based on the 'extension' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->bcp47_timezones( extension => 'ca' );

    Returns all BCP47 values information from table bcp47_values as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "category"

        A BCP47 category ID, such as "calendar", "collation", "currency",
        "measure", "number", "segmentation", "timezone",
        "transform_destination", "transform", "transform_hybrid",
        "transform_ime", "transform_keyboard", "transform_mt",
        "transform_private_use", "variant"

    *   "extension"

        A BCP47 extension ID, such as "ca", "cf", "co", "cu", "d0", "dx",
        "em", "fw", "h0", "hc", "i0", "k0", "ka", "kb", "kc", "kf", "kh",
        "kk", "kn", "kr", "ks", "kv", "lb", "lw", "m0", "ms", "mu", "nu",
        "rg", "s0", "sd", "ss", "t0", "tz", "va", "vt", "x0"

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            calendar_id => 1,
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
            system      => 'solar',
            inherits    => undef,
            description => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar information from the table
    calendars for a given "calendar" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "calendar_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "calendar"

        A string representing a "calendar" ID.

        Known calendar IDs are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "iso8601", "japanese",
        "persian", "roc"

    *   "system"

        A string representing a "calendar" system.

        Known values are: "undef", "lunar", "lunisolar", "other", "solar"

    *   "inherits"

        A string representing the "calendar" ID from which this calendar
        inherits from.

        Currently, the only one known to use this is the "japanese" calendar
        inheriting from the "gregorian" calendar.

    *   "description"

        A text describing the "calendar"

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendars;
        # Known 'system' value: undef, lunar, lunisolar, other, solar
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendars( system => 'solar' );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendars( inherits => 'gregorian' );

    Returns all calendar information from table calendars as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "inherits"

        A calendar system this calendar inherits from, such as the Japanese

    *   "system"

        A calendar system, such as "lunar", "lunisolar", "other", "solar"

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_append_format(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
            format_id   => 'Day',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_append_fmt_id   => 12,
            locale              => 'en',
            calendar            => 'gregorian',
            format_id           => 'Day',
            format_pattern      => '{0} ({2}: {1})',

    Returns an hash reference of a "calendar" localised append format
    information from the table calendar_append_formats for a given format ID
    "format_id", "locale" ID and "calendar" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_append_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

        Known values are: "Day", "Day-Of-Week", "Era", "Hour", "Minute",
        "Month", "Quarter", "Second", "Timezone", "Week", "Year"

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing the localised format pattern.

    See the LDML specifications
    dItems> for more information.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_append_formats;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_append_formats( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_append_formats( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of those two:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_append_formats(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian'

    Returns all calendar appended formats information from table
    calendar_append_formats as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_available_format(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',
            format_id   => 'Hms',
            # optional
            count       => undef,
            # optional
            alt         => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_avail_fmt_id    => 2662,
            locale              => 'en',
            calendar            => 'gregorian',
            format_id           => 'Hms',
            format_pattern      => 'HH:mm:ss',
            count               => undef,
            alt                 => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "calendar" localised available format
    information from the table calendar_available_formats for a given format
    ID "format_id", "calendar" ID and a "locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_avail_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

        There are currently 107 known and distinct format IDs.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised format pattern.

    *   "count"

        An optional string used to differentiate identical patterns.

        Known values are: "undef", "few", "many", "one", "other", "two",

    *   "alt"

        An optional string used to provide alternative patterns.

        Known values are: "undef", "ascii", "variant"

    See the LDML specifications
    dItems> for more informations.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_available_formats;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_available_formats( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_available_formats( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of those two:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_available_formats(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',

    Returns all calendar available formats information from table
    calendar_available_formats as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_cyclic_l10n(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'chinese',
            format_set      => 'dayParts',
            format_type     => 'format',
            format_length   => 'abbreviated',
            format_id       => 1,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_int_fmt_id  => 1014,
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'chinese',
            format_set      => 'dayParts',
            format_type     => 'format',
            format_length   => 'abbreviated',
            format_id       => 1,
            format_pattern  => 'zi',

    Returns an hash reference of a "calendar" cyclic localised information
    from the table calendar_cyclics_l10n for a given format ID "format_id",
    ID a "locale" ID, a "calendar" ID, a format set "format_set", a format
    type "format_type" and a format length "format_length".

    This is typical of calendars such as: "chinese" and "dangi"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_int_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_set"

        A format set. Known values are: "dayParts", "days", "months",
        "solarTerms", "years", "zodiacs"

    *   "format_type"

        A format type. The only known value is "format"

    *   "format_length"

        A format length.

        Known values are; "abbreviated", "narrow", "wide"

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised pattern.

    See the LDML specifications
    meSets> for more information.

        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->calendar_cyclics_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            calendar        => 'chinese',
            format_set      => 'dayParts',
            # Not really needed since 'format' is the only value being currently used
            # format_type   => 'format',
            format_length   => 'abbreviated',

    Returns all "calendar" cyclic localised formats information from table
    calendar_cyclics_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "format_set"

        A string representing a format set.

        Known values are: "dayParts", "days", "months", "solarTerms",
        "years", "zodiacs"

    *   "format_type"

        A format type. The only known value is "format"

    *   "format_length"

        A format length.

        Known values are; "abbreviated", "narrow", "wide"

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_datetime_format(
            locale          => 'en',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            format_length   => 'full',
            format_type     => 'atTime',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_dt_fmt_id   => 434,
            locale          => 'en',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            format_length   => 'full',
            format_type     => 'atTime',
            format_pattern  => "{1} 'at' {0}",

    Returns an hash reference of a "calendar" localised datetime format
    information from the table calendar_datetime_formats for a given
    "locale" ID, "calendar" ID, "format_length", and "format_type".

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_dt_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing a format length.

        Known values are: "full", "long", "medium", "short"

    *   "format_type"

        A string representing a format type.

        Known values are: "atTime", "standard"

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised datetime format pattern according
        to the format type and "locale"

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of those two:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_datetime_formats(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',

    Returns all calendar datetime formats information from table
    calendar_datetime_formats as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_era_l10n(
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            era_width => 'abbreviated',
            alt => undef,
            era_id => 0,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_era_l10n_id => 2844,
            locale          => 'ja',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            era_width       => 'abbreviated',
            era_id          => 0,
            alt             => undef,
            locale_name     => '紀元前',

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar era information from the table
    calendar_eras_l10n for a given "calendar" value, a "locale", a
    "era_width", and a "era_id". If no "alt" value is provided, it will
    default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_era_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values used are: "buddhist", "coptic", "ethiopic",
        "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew", "indian",
        "islamic", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "era_width"

        An era width.

        Known values are: "abbreviated", "narrow", "wide"

    *   "era_id"

        A string representing an era ID. This is actually always an integer
        with minimum value of 0 and maximum value of 99

    *   "alt"

        A string to provide an alternative value for an era with the same

    *   "locale_name"

        A string providing with a localised name for this era for the
        current "locale"

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of multiple fields:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_eras_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            era_width => 'abbreviated',
            alt => undef

    Returns all calendar localised eras information from table
    calendar_eras_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "alt"

        The alternative value, if any, which may be "variant" or "undef",
        i.e., no value.

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "era_width"

        Possible values are: "abbreviated", "narrow", "wide"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_format_l10n(
            locale => 'ja',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            # date, time
            format_type => 'date',
            # full, long, medium, short
            format_length => 'full',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_fmt_l10n_id => 906,
            locale          => 'ja',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            format_type     => 'date',
            format_length   => 'full',
            alt             => undef,
            format_id       => 'yMEEEEd',
            format_pattern  => 'y年M月d日EEEE',

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar format information from the
    table calendar_formats_l10n for a given "calendar" value, a "locale", a
    "format_type", and a "format_length".

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_fmt_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_type"

        A string representing a format type.

        Possible values are: "date" or "time"

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing a format length.

        Known values are: "full", "long", "medium", "short"

    *   "alt"

        A string to provide an alternative value for a format with the same

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised pattern.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of multiple fields:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_formats_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            format_type => 'date',
            format_length => 'full',

    Returns all calendar localised date and time formats information from
    table calendar_formats_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_length"

        Possible values are: "full", "long", "medium", "short"

    *   "format_type"

        The format type, which may be "date" or "time"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_format(
            locale              => 'en',
            calendar            => 'gregorian',
            greatest_diff_id    => 'd',
            format_id           => 'GyMMMEd',
            alt                 => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            cal_int_fmt_id      => 3846,
            locale              => 'en',
            calendar            => 'gregorian',
            format_id           => 'GyMMMEd',
            greatest_diff_id    => 'd',
            format_pattern      => 'E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G',
            alt                 => undef,
            part1               => 'E, MMM d',
            separator           => ' – ',
            part2               => 'E, MMM d, y G',
            repeating_field     => 'E, MMM d',

    Returns an hash reference of a "calendar" localised interval information
    from the table calendar_interval_formats for a given "calendar" ID and a
    "locale" ID. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    Pay particular attention to the fields "part1", "separator" and "part2"
    that are designed to greatly make it easy for you to format and use the
    interval format pattern.

    Without those special fields, it would not be possible to properly
    format an interval.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_int_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

    *   "greatest_diff_id"

        A string representing an ID, itself representing the interval
        greatest difference

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised pattern.

    *   "alt"

        A string representing an alternative value.

    *   "part1"

        This is the first part of the interval format.

    *   "separator"

        This is the string representing the separator between the first and
        second part.

    *   "part2"

        This is the second part of the interval format.

    *   "repeating_field"

        This is the repeating field that was computed when building this

        This, along with the "part1", "separator" and "part2" are designed
        to make it easier for you to format the interval.

    See LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats;
        # Filter based on the 'locale' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats( locale => 'en' );
        # Filter based on the 'calendar' field value
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats( calendar => 'gregorian' );
        # or a combination of those two:
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_interval_formats(
            locale      => 'en',
            calendar    => 'gregorian',

    Returns all calendar interval formats information from table
    calendar_interval_formats as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "greatest_diff_id"

        A string representing an ID, itself representing the interval
        greatest difference

    See also the method l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            caendar => 'japanese',
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            calendar_l10n_id => 506,
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'japanese',
            locale_name => 'Japanese Calendar',

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar localised information from the
    table calendars_l10n for a given "locale" ID, and "calendar" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "calendar_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing the localised name of the calendar.

        my $all = $cldr->calendars_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->calendars_l10n(
            locale => 'en',

    Returns all calendar localised information from table calendars_l10n as
    an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

        my $ref = $cldr->calendar_term(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            # format, stand-alone
            term_context    => 'format',
            # abbreviated, narrow, wide
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
            term_name       => 'am',
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            cal_term_id     => 23478,
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            term_type       => 'day_period',
            term_context    => 'format',
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
            alt             => undef,
            yeartype        => undef,
            term_name       => 'am',
            term_value      => 'AM',

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar term information from the table
    calendar_terms for a given "locale", "calendar", "term_context",
    "term_width", "term_name" value, "alt" and "yeartype" value. If no "alt"
    or "yeartype" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    You can also query for multiple value at the same time, and this will
    return an array reference of hash reference instead:

        my $all = $cldr->calendar_term(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            # format, stand-alone
            term_context    => 'format',
            # abbreviated, narrow, wide
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
            term_name       => [qw( am pm )],
        # Returns an array reference like:
                cal_term_id     => 23478,
                locale          => 'und',
                calendar        => 'gregorian',
                term_type       => 'day_period',
                term_context    => 'format',
                term_width      => 'abbreviated',
                alt             => undef,
                yeartype        => undef,
                term_name       => 'am',
                term_value      => 'AM',
                cal_term_id     => 23479,
                locale          => 'und',
                calendar        => 'gregorian',
                term_type       => 'day_period',
                term_context    => 'format',
                term_width      => 'abbreviated',
                alt             => undef,
                yeartype        => undef,
                term_name       => 'pm',
                term_value      => 'PM',

    See the section on "Advanced Search" for more information.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "cal_term_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in the table calendars

        Known values are: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi",
        "ethiopic", "ethiopic-amete-alem", "generic", "gregorian", "hebrew",
        "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa",
        "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "term_type"

        A string representing a term type.

        Known values are: "day", "day_period", "month", "quarter"

    *   "term_context"

        A string representing a term context.

        Known values are: "format", "stand-alone"

    *   "term_width"

        A string representing a term width.

        Known values are: "abbreviated", "narrow", "short", "wide"

    *   "alt"

        A string to provide an alternate representation of a term.

    *   "yeartype"

        A string to provide an alternate representation of a term when this
        is a leap year.

        The usual value for this is "leap"

    *   "term_name"

        A string representing a term name.

        Known values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
        "afternoon1", "afternoon2", "evening1", "evening2", "midnight",
        "morning1", "morning2", "night1", "night2", "noon", "am", "pm",
        "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"

    *   "term_value"

        A string representing the term value.

    See also the Unicode LDMD specifications

        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms;
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'und',
            calendar => 'japanese'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            term_type       => 'day',
            term_context    => 'format',
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',

    Returns all calendar terms information from table calendar_terms as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "calendar"

        A "calendar" ID as can be found in table calendars, such as:
        "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic",
        "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-civil",
        "islamic-rgsa", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-umalqura", "islamicc",
        "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    See also the Unicode LDMD specifications

        my $ref = $cldr->casing( locale => 'fr', token => 'currencyName' );
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            casing_id   => 926,
            locale      => 'fr',
            token       => 'currencyName',
            value       => 'lowercase',

    Returns an hash reference of a calendar information from the table
    casings for a given "token" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "casing_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "token"

        Known values are: "calendar_field", "currencyName",
        "currencyName_count", "day_format_except_narrow", "day_narrow",
        "day_standalone_except_narrow", "era_abbr", "era_name",
        "era_narrow", "key", "keyValue", "language", "metazone_long",
        "month_format_except_narrow", "month_narrow",
        "month_standalone_except_narrow", "quarter_abbreviated",
        "quarter_format_wide", "quarter_narrow", "quarter_standalone_wide",
        "relative", "script", "symbol", "territory", "unit_pattern",
        "variant", "zone_exemplarCity", "zone_long", "zone_short"

    *   "value"

        A casing value.

        my $all = $cldr->casings;
        my $all = $cldr->casings( locale => 'fr' );

    Returns all casing information from table casings as an array reference
    of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

        my $datetime = $cldr->cldr_built; # 2024-07-01T05:57:29

    Return the ISO8601 datetime in GMT of when this data were built.

    Note, this is just a string, not a DateTime object. If you want a
    DateTime object, maybe do something like:

        use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
        my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%FT%T' );
        my $dt = $fmt->parse_datetime( $cldr->cldr_built );

        my $str = $cldr->cldr_maintainer; # Jacques Deguest

    Returns a string representing the name of the person who created this
    SQLite database of "CLDR" data.

        my $version = $cldr->cldr_version; # 45.0

    Return the Unicode CLDR version number of the data.

    Note, this is just a string. You may want to turn it into an object for
    comparison, such as:

        use version;
        my $vers = version->parse( $cldr->cldr_version );

    Or, maybe:

        use Changes::Version;
        my $vers = Changes::Version->new( $cldr->cldr_version );

        say $vers > $other_version;

        my $ref = $cldr->code_mapping( code => 'US' );
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            code_mapping_id => 263,
            code            => 'US',
            alpha3          => 'USA',
            numeric         => 840,
            fips10          => undef,
            type            => 'territory',

    Returns an hash reference of a code mapping information from the table
    code_mappings for a given "code" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "code_mapping_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "code"

        A "code" for which there is a mapping with other American standards

    *   "alpha3"

        A 3-characters code

    *   "numeric"

        A numeric code

    *   "fips10"

        An American standard

    *   "type"

        The mapping <type>

        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings;
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( type => 'territory' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( type => 'currency' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( alpha3 => 'USA' );
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( numeric => 840 ); # U.S.A.
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( fips => 'JP' ); # Japan
        my $all = $cldr->code_mappings( fips => undef, type => 'currency' );

    Returns all code mapping information from table code_mappings as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "alpha3"

        A 3-characters code.

    *   "fips"

        A "fips" (U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard
        rds>) code

    *   "numeric"

        An integer code.

    *   "type"

        A "type", such as "territory" or "currency"

        my $ref = $cldr->collation(
            collation => 'ducet',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            collation => 'ducet',
            description => 'Dictionary style ordering (such as in Sinhala)',

    Returns an hash reference of a "collation" information from the table
    collations for a given "collation" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "collation"

        A string representing a "collation" ID.

        Known values are: "big5han", "compat", "dict", "direct", "ducet",
        "emoji", "eor", "gb2312", "phonebk", "phonetic", "pinyin",
        "reformed", "search", "searchjl", "standard", "stroke", "trad",
        "unihan", "zhuyin"

    *   "description"

        A short text describing the collation.

        my $all = $cldr->collations;
        my $all = $cldr->collations( collation => 'ducet' );
        my $all = $cldr->collations( description => qr/Chinese/ );

    Returns all collations information from table collations as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "collation"

        A "collation" ID

    *   "description"

        A short text describing the collation.

        See the section on "Advanced Search"

        my $ref = $cldr->collation_l10n(
            collation => 'ducet',
            locale => 'en',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            collation_l10n_id   => 323,
            locale              => 'en',
            collation           => 'ducet',
            locale_name         => 'Default Unicode Sort Order',

    Returns an hash reference of a "collation" localised information from
    the table collations_l10n for a given "collation" ID and a "locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "collation_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "collation"

        A "collation" ID as can be found in table collations

    *   "locale_name"

        A short text representing the localised "collation" name.

        my $all = $cldr->collations_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->collations_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->collations_l10n(
            locale => 'en',
            collation => 'ducet',

    Returns all collations information from table collations_l10n as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "collation"

        A "collation" ID as can be found in table collations

        my $ref = $cldr->currency( currency => 'JPY' ); # Japanese Yen
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            currency_id     => 133,
            currency        => 'JPY',
            digits          => 0,
            rounding        => 0,
            cash_digits     => undef,
            cash_rounding   => undef,
            is_obsolete     => 0,
            status          => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a code mapping information from the table
    currencies for a given "currency" code.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "currency_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "currency"

        A "currency" code

    *   "digits"

        Number of fractional digits.

    *   "rounding"

        Number of digits used for rounding.

    *   "cash_digits"

        Number of fractional digits for money representation.

    *   "cash_rounding"

        Number of digits used for rounding for money representation.

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean defining whether the currency is obsolete.

    *   "status"

        A string representing the status for this currency.

        Known values are: "deprecated", "regular", "unknown"

        my $all = $cldr->currencies;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies( is_obsolete => 1 );

    Returns all currencies information from table currencies as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean value. Use 1 for "true" and 0 for "false"

    *   "status"

        Valid "status" values are, as per the CLDR:

        *       "regular"

                This is the default and means the currency is valid.

        *       "deprecated"

                The currency is deprecated.

        *       "unknown"

                The status is unknown.

        my $ref = $cldr->currency_info(
            currency    => 'EUR',
            territory'  => 'FR',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            currency_info_id    => 165,
            territory           => 'FR',
            currency            => 'EUR',
            start               => '1999-01-01',
            until               => undef,
            is_tender           => 0,
            hist_sequence       => undef,
            is_obsolete         => 0,

    Returns an hash reference of a "currency" information from the table
    currencies_info for a given ]"locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "currency_info_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "territory"

        A 2-to-3 characters string representing the territory code, which
        may be either 2-characters uppercase alphabet, or 3-digits code
        representing a world region.

    *   "currency"

        A 3-characters currency code.

    *   "start"

        The date at which this currency started to be in use for this

    *   "until"

        The date at which this currency stopped being in use for this

    *   "is_tender"

        Whether this currency was a legal tender, i.e. whether it bore the
        force of law to settle a public or private debt or meet a financial

    *   "hist_sequence"

        Integer representing the historical order. "CLDR" uses the
        attributes "tz" and then "to-tz" to link to following historical
        record when the old "to" date overlaps the new "from" date. Example:
        territory "SX"

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean value expressing whether this currency is obsolete or not.

    See the LDML specifications
    ntal_Currency_Data> for more information.

        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info( territory => 'FR' );
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_info( currency => 'EUR' );

    Returns all currencies information from table currencies_info as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "territory"

        A 2-characters code representing a "territory" as can be found in
        table territories

    *   "currency"

        A 3-characters code representing a "currency" as can be found in
        table currencies

        my $ref = $cldr->currency_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            count       => undef,
            currency    => 'JPY',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            curr_l10n_id    => 20924,
            locale          => 'en',
            currency        => 'JPY',
            count           => undef,
            locale_name     => 'Japanese Yen',
            symbol          => '¥',

    Returns an hash reference of a "currency" localised information from the
    table currencies_l10n for a given "currency" ID, "locale" ID and "count"
    value. If no "count" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "curr_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "currency"

        A "currency" ID as can be found in the table currencies

        Note that the values used by the "CLDR" als includes currencies that
        are deprecated in ISO 4217 standard.

    *   "count"

        A string that specifies a distinctive value.

        Known values are: "undef", "few", "many", "one", "other", "two",

        For example, with the "EUR" "currency" in "locale" "en", here are
        the possible "count" values and its associated localised string

        *       "undef"


        *       "one"


        *       "other"


        And here with the "JPY" "currency" and "locale" "pl":

        *   "undef"

            jen japoński

        *   "few"

            jeny japońskie

        *   "many"

            jenów japońskich

        *   "one"

            jen japoński

        *   "other"

            jena japońskiego

        See the LDML specifications about language plural rules
        Rules> for more information.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing a localised currency name based on the value
        of "locale".

    *   "symbol"

        An optional "currency" symbol.

        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->currencies_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            currency    => 'JPY',

    Returns all currencies localised information from table currencies_l10n
    as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "count"

        A string representing a distinctive "count" for the "currency"

        Known values are: "undef", "few", "many", "one", "other", "two",

        See the LDML specifications about language plural rules
        Rules> for more information.

    *   "currency"

        A 3-characters "currency" ID as can be found in the table currencies

    Returns the current database handler used by the "Locale::Unicode::Data"
    object instantiated.

    Please note that the database is opened in read-only. If you want to
    modify it, which I would advise against, you need to instantiate your
    own DBI connection. Something like this:

        my $db_file = $cldr->datafile;
        $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:SQLite:dbname=${db_file}", '', '' ) ||
            die( "Unable to make connection to Unicode CLDR SQLite database file ${db_file}: ", $DBI::errstr );
        # To enable foreign keys:
        # See: <>
        $dbh->do("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON");

    Sets or gets the file path to the SQLite database file. This defaults to
    the global variable $DB_FILE

        my $ref = $cldr->date_field_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            field_type      => 'day',
            field_length    => 'narrow',
            relative        => -1,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            date_field_id   => 2087,
            locale          => 'en',
            field_type      => 'day',
            field_length    => 'narrow',
            relative        => -1,
            locale_name     => 'yesterday',

    Returns an hash reference of a field localised information from the
    table date_fields_l10n for a given "locale" ID, "field_type",
    "field_length" and "relative" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "date_field_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "field_type"

        A string representing a field type.

        Known values are: "day", "fri", "hour", "minute", "mon", "month",
        "quarter", "sat", "second", "sun", "thu", "tue", "wed", "week",

    *   "field_length"

        A string representing a field length.

        Known values are: "narrow", "short", "standard"

    *   "relative"

        An integer representing the relative value of the field. For
        example, 0 being today, -1 being a day period preceding the current
        one, and 1 being a day period following the current one.

        Known values are: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3

    *   "locale_name"

        A string containing the localised date field based on the "locale"

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->date_fields_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            field_type      => 'day',
            field_length    => 'narrow',

    Returns all date fields localised information from table
    date_fields_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "field_type"

        A string representing a field type.

        Known values are: "day", "fri", "hour", "minute", "mon", "month",
        "quarter", "sat", "second", "sun", "thu", "tue", "wed", "week",

    *   "field_length"

        A string representing a field length.

        Known values are: "narrow", "short", "standard"

        my $ref = $cldr->day_period( locale => 'fr', day_period => 'noon' );
        # Returns an hash reference like:
            day_period_id   => 115,
            locale          => 'fr',
            day_period      => 'noon',
            start           => '12:00',
            until           => '12:00',

    Returns an hash reference of a day period information from the table
    day_periods for a given "locale" code and "day_period" code.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "day_period_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "day_period"

        A string representing a day period.

        Known values are: "afternoon1", "afternoon2", "am", "evening1",
        "evening2", "midnight", "morning1", "morning2", "night1", "night2",
        "noon", "pm"

    *   "start"

        A time from which this day period starts.

        Known values go from "00:00" until "23:00"

    *   "until"

        A time by which this day period stops.

        Known values go from "00:00" until "24:00"

        my $all = $cldr->day_periods;
        my $all = $cldr->day_periods( locale => 'ja' );
        # Known values for day_period: afternoon1, afternoon2, am, evening1, evening2,
        # midnight, morning1, morning2, night1, night2, noon, pm
        my $all = $cldr->day_periods( day_period => 'noon' );

    Returns all day periods information from table day_periods as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "day_period"

        A token representing a day period. Valid tokens are: "afternoon1",
        "afternoon2", "am", "evening1", "evening2", "midnight", "morning1",
        "morning2", "night1", "night2", "noon", "pm"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

        my $bool = $cldr->decode_sql_arrays;
        $cldr->decode_sql_arrays(0); # off
        $cldr->decode_sql_arrays(1); # on

    Sets or gets the boolean value used to specify whether you want this API
    to automatically decode SQL arrays into perl arrays using JSON::XS

    This is set to true by default, upon object instantiation.

        my $bool = $cldr->extend_timezones_cities;
        $cldr->extend_timezones_cities(0); # off
        $cldr->extend_timezones_cities(1); # on

    Sets or gets the boolean value used to specify whether you want to use
    the time zones cities extended data, if any were added, or not.

    To add the time zones cities extended data, see the Unicode CLDR SQLite
    database script option "--extended-timezones-cities"

    Normally, this SQLite database comes by default with an extended set of
    time zones cities data for 421 time zones and their main city across 88
    locales, courtesy of the GeoNames database, and online work the author
    of this distribution has performed.

    See also the method timezone_city and timezones_cities

    This is set to true by default, upon object instantiation.

    Used as a mutator, this sets and exception object and returns an
    "Locale::Unicode::NullObject" in object context (such as when chaining),
    or "undef" in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

    The "Locale::Unicode::NullObject" class prevents the perl error of
    "Can't call method "%s" on an undefined value" (see perldiag). Upon the
    last method chained, "undef" is returned in scalar context or an empty
    list in list context.

    For example:

        my $locale = Locale::Unicode->new( 'ja' );
        $locale->translation( 'my-software' )->transform_locale( $bad_value )->tz( 'jptyo' ) ||
            die( $locale->error );

    In this example, "jptyo" will never be set, because "transform_locale"
    triggered an exception that returned an "Locale::Unicode::NullObject"
    object catching all further method calls, but eventually we get the
    error and die.

        $cldr->fatal(1); # Enable fatal exceptions
        $cldr->fatal(0); # Disable fatal exceptions
        my $bool = $cldr->fatal;

    Sets or get the boolean value, whether to die upon exception, or not. If
    set to true, then instead of setting an exception object, this module
    will die with an exception object. You can catch the exception object
    then after using "try". For example:

        use v.5.34; # to be able to use try-catch blocks in perl
        use experimental 'try';
        no warnings 'experimental';
            my $cldr = Locale::Unicode::Data->new( fatal => 1 );
            # Forgot the 'width':
            my $str = $cldr->timezone_names( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo', locale => 'en' );
        catch( $e )
            say "Error occurred: ", $e->message;
            # Error occurred: No value for width was provided.

        my $ref = $cldr->interval_formats(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',

    This would return something like:

            Bh => [qw( B h )],
            Bhm => [qw( B h m )],
            d => ["d"],
            default => ["default"],
            Gy => [qw( G y )],
            GyM => [qw( G M y )],
            GyMd => [qw( d G M y )],
            GyMEd => [qw( d G M y )],
            GyMMM => [qw( G M y )],
            GyMMMd => [qw( d G M y )],
            GyMMMEd => [qw( d G M y )],
            H => ["H"],
            h => [qw( a h )],
            hm => [qw( a h m )],
            Hm => [qw( H m )],
            hmv => [qw( a h m )],
            Hmv => [qw( H m )],
            Hv => ["H"],
            hv => [qw( a h )],
            M => ["M"],
            Md => [qw( d M )],
            MEd => [qw( d M )],
            MMM => ["M"],
            MMMd => [qw( d M )],
            MMMEd => [qw( d M )],
            y => ["y"],
            yM => [qw( M y )],
            yMd => [qw( d M y )],
            yMEd => [qw( d M y )],
            yMMM => [qw( M y )],
            yMMMd => [qw( d M y )],
            yMMMEd => [qw( d M y )],
            yMMMM => [qw( M y )],

    This returns an hash reference of interval format ID with their
    associated greatest difference token
    <> for
    the given "locale" ID and "calendar" ID.

    The "default" interval format pattern is something like "{0} – {1}", but
    this changes depending on the "locale" and is not always available.

    "{0}" is the placeholder for the first datetime and "{1}" is the
    placeholder for the second one.

    Returns all localised information for certain type of data as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    The following core parameters must be provided:

    *   "locale"

        This is mandatory. This is a "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as
        can be found in table locales

    *   "type"

        A type of data. Valid types are: "annotation",
        "calendar_append_format", "calendar_available_format",
        "calendar_cyclic", "calendar_era", "calendar_format",
        "calendar_interval_formats", "calendar_term", "casing", "currency",
        "date_field", "locale", "number_format", "number_symbol", "script",
        "subdivision", "territory", "unit", "variant"

    Below are each type of data and their associated parameters:

    *   "annotation"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'annotation',
                locale => 'en',
                annotation => '{',

        Returns an hash reference of a annotation information from the table
        annotations for a given "locale" code and "annotation" character.

    *   "calendar_append_format"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_append_format',
                locale => 'en',
                calendar => 'gregorian',
                format_id => 'Day',

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar appended format information
        from the table calendar_append_formats for a given "locale", and
        "calendar" code and a "format_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_available_format"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_available_format',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'japanese',
                format_id => 'GyMMMEEEEd',

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar available format information
        from the table calendar_available_formats for a given "locale", and
        "calendar" code and a "format_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_cyclic"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_cyclic',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'chinese',
                format_set => 'dayParts',
                # 1..12
                format_id => 1,

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar available format information
        from the table calendar_cyclics_l10n for a given "locale", and
        "calendar" code and a "format_set" token and a "format_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_era"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_era',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'japanese',
                # abbreviated, narrow
                # 'narrow' contains less data than 'abbreviated'
                era_width => 'abbreviated',
                era_id => 236,

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar available format information
        from the table calendar_eras_l10n for a given "locale", and
        "calendar" code and a "era_width" width and a "era_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_format"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_format',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'gregorian',
                format_id => 'yMEEEEd',

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar date or time format
        information from the table calendar_formats_l10n for a given
        "locale", and "calendar" code and a "format_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_interval_format"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_interval_format',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'gregorian',
                format_id => 'yMMM',

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar interval format information
        from the table calendar_interval_formats for a given "locale", and
        "calendar" code and a "format_id" ID.

    *   "calendar_term"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'calendar_term',
                locale => 'ja',
                calendar => 'gregorian',
                term_name => 'mon',

        Returns an hash reference of a calendar term information from the
        table calendar_terms for a given "locale", and "calendar" code and a
        "term_name" token.

        Known term names are: "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat",
        "sun", "am", "pm", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
        "midnight", "morning1", "morning2", "noon", "afternoon1",
        "afternoon2", "evening1", "evening2", "night1", "night2"

    *   "casing"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'casing',
                locale => 'fr',
                token => 'currencyName',

        Returns an hash reference of a casing information from the table
        casings for a given "locale" code and a "token".

    *   "currency"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'currency',
                locale => 'ja',
                currency => 'EUR',

        Returns an hash reference of a currency information from the table
        currencies_l10n for a given "locale" code and a "currency" code.

    *   "date_field"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'date_field',
                locale => 'ja',
                # Other possible values:
                # day, week, month, quarter, year, hour, minute, second,
                # mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun
                field_type  => 'day',
                # -1 for yesterday, 0 for today, 1 for tomorrow
                relative => -1,

        Returns an hash reference of a date field information from the table
        date_fields_l10n for a given "locale", and a field type "field_type"
        and "relative" value.

    *   "locale"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'locale',
                locale => 'ja',
                locale_id => 'fr',

        Returns an hash reference of a locale information from the table
        locales_l10n for a given "locale", and a locale ID "locale_id".

    *   "number_format"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'number_format',
                locale => 'ja',
                number_type => 'currency',
                format_id => '10000',

        Returns an hash reference of a number format from the table
        number_formats_l10n for a given "locale", a number type
        "number_type", and a format ID "format_id".

        Known value for "number_type" are: "currency", "decimal", "misc",
        "percent", "scientific"

    *   "number_symbol"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'number_symbol',
                locale => 'en',
                number_system => 'latn',
                property => 'decimal',

        Returns an hash reference of a number symbol information from the
        table number_symbols_l10n for a given "locale", a number system
        "number_system" as can be found in the table number_systems, and a
        "property" value.

    *   "script"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'script',
                locale => 'ja',
                script => 'Kore',

        Returns an hash reference of a script information from the table
        scripts_l10n for a given "locale", a script value "script" as can be
        found in the scripts table.

    *   "subdivision"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'subdivision',
                locale => 'en',
                subdivision => 'jp13', # Tokyo

        Returns an hash reference of a subdivision information from the
        table subdivisions_l10n for a given "locale", a subdivision value
        "subdivision" as can be found in the subdivisions table.

    *   "territory"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'territory',
                locale => 'en',
                territory => 'JP', # Japan

        Returns an hash reference of a territory information from the table
        territories_l10n for a given "locale", and a "territory" code as can
        be found in the territories table.

    *   "unit"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'unit',
                locale => 'en',
                unit_id => 'power3',

        Returns an hash reference of a unit information from the table
        units_l10n for a given "locale", and a "unit_id".

    *   "variant"

            my $ref = $cldr->l10n(
                type => 'variant',
                locale => 'en',
                variant => 'valencia',

        Returns an hash reference of a variant information from the table
        variants_l10n for a given "locale", and a "variant" as can be found
        in the table variants.

        my $ref = $cldr->language( language => 'ryu' ); # Central Okinawan (Ryukyu)
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            language_id => 6712,
            language    => 'ryu',
            scripts     => ["Kana"],
            territories => ["JPY"],
            parent      => undef,
            alt         => undef,
            status      => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a "language" information from the table
    languages for a given "language" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "language_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "language"

        A "language" ID, which may be 2 to 3-characters long.

    *   "scripts"

        An array of "script" IDs as can be found in the table scripts, and
        that are associated with this "language".

    *   "territories"

        An array of "territory" IDs as can be found in the table
        territories, and that are associated with this "language".

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised pattern.

        my $all = $cldr->languages;
        my $all = $cldr->languages( parent => 'gmw' );

    Returns all languages information from table languages as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "parent"

        A parent "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table

        The "parent" value is set in 63% of the languages (over 8,700) in
        the table languages

        my $all = $cldr->language_population( territory => 'JP' );
        # Returns an array reference of hash references like this:
                language_pop_id     => 738,
                territory           => 'JP',
                locale              => 'ja',
                population_percent  => 95,
                literacy_percent    => undef,
                writing_percent     => undef,
                official_status     => 'official',
                language_pop_id     => 739,
                territory           => 'JP',
                locale              => 'ryu',
                population_percent  => 0.77,
                literacy_percent    => undef,
                writing_percent     => 5,
                official_status     => undef,
                language_pop_id     => 740,
                territory           => 'JP',
                locale              => 'ko',
                population_percent  => 0.52,
                literacy_percent    => undef,
                writing_percent     => undef,
                official_status     => undef,

    Returns an array reference of hash references of a "language" population
    information from the table language_population for a given "territory"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "language_pop_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" code as can be found in the table territories

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "population_percent"

        A percentage of the population as decimal.

    *   "literacy_percent"

        A percentage of the population as decimal.

    *   "writing_percent"

        A percentage of the population as decimal.

    *   "official_status"

        A string representing the official status for this usage of this
        "locale" in this "territory"

        Known values are: "undef", "official", "official_regional",

        my $all = $cldr->language_populations;
        my $all = $cldr->language_populations( official_status => 'official' );

    Returns all language population information from table
    language_population as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "official_status"

        A status string, such as "official", "official_regional" or

        my $ref = $cldr->likely_subtag( locale => 'ja' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            likely_subtag_id    => 297,
            locale              => 'ja',
            target              => 'ja-Jpan-JP',

    Returns an hash reference for a likely "language" information from the
    table likely_subtags for a given "locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "likely_subtag_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "target"

        A string representing the "target" "locale"

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for more

        my $all = $cldr->likely_subtags;

    Returns all likely subtag information from table likely_subtags as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->locale( locale => 'ja' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            locale_id   => 3985,
            locale      => 'ja',
            parent      => undef,
            collations  => ["private-kana", "standard", "unihan"],
            status      => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of "locale" information from the table locales
    for a given "locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "locale_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "parent"

        The parent "locale", if any.

    *   "collations"

        An array of "collation" ID, such as one can find from the table

    *   "status"

        A string representing a status for this "locale"

        Known values are: "undef", "deprecated", "private_use", "regular",
        "reserved", "special", "unknown"

        my $all = $cldr->locales;

    Returns all locale information from table locales as an array reference
    of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "status"

        A status string, such as "deprecated", "private_use", "regular",
        "reserved", "special", "unknown" or "undef" if none is set.

        my $ref = $cldr->locale_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            locale_id   => 'ja',
            alt         => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            locales_l10n_id => 16746,
            locale          => 'en',
            locale_id       => 'ja',
            locale_name     => 'Japanese',
            alt             => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of "locale" localised information from the
    table locales_l10n for a given "locale" ID and a "locale_id" ID and an
    "alt" value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to "undef".

    The "locale" value is the "language", with possibly some additional
    subtags, in which the information is provided, and the "locale_id" the
    "locale" id whose name will be returned in the language specified by the
    "locale" argument.

    Valid locales that can be found in the table locales_l10n are, for
    example: "asa", "az-Arab" (using a "script"), "be-tarask" (using a
    "variant"), "ca-ES-valencia" (using a combination of "territory" and
    "variant"), "de-AT" (using a "territory"), "es-419" (using a "region"

    See Locale::Unicode for more information on locales.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "locales_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "locale_id"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing the localised name of the "locale_id"
        according to the "locale" value.

        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n;
        # Returns an array reference of all locale information in English
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        # Returns an array reference of all the way to write 'Japanese' in various languages
        # This would typically return an array reference of something like 267 hash reference
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n( locale_id => 'ja' );
        # This is basically the same as with the method locale_l10n()
        my $all = $cldr->locales_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            locale_id   => 'ja',
            alt         => undef,

    Returns all locale localised information from table locales_l10n as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "alt"

        This is used to differentiate when alternative values exist.

        Known values for "alt" are "undef", i.e. not set, or "long", "menu",
        "secondary", "short", "variant"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

        This is generally more a "language", i.e. a 2 or 3-characters code
        than a "locale"

    *   "locale_id"

        A 2 to 3 characters "language" ID such as "en" as can be found in
        table languages

        my $ref = $cldr->locales_info(
            property => 'quotation_start',
            locale => 'ja',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            locales_info_id => 361,
            locale          => 'ja',
            property        => 'quotation_start',
            value           => '「',

    Returns an hash reference of "locale" properties information from the
    table locales_info for a given "locale" ID and a "property" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "locales_info_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "property"

        A string representing a property.

        Known properties are: "char_orientation", "quotation2_end",
        "quotation2_start", "quotation_end", "quotation_start", "yes" and

    *   "value"

        The "property" value for this "locale"

         my $all = $cldr->locales_infos;

    Returns all locale properties information from table locales_info as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->locale_number_system( locale => 'ja' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            locale_num_sys_id => 26,
            locale => 'ja',
            number_system => undef,
            native => undef,
            traditional => 'jpan',
            finance => 'jpanfin',

    As a reminder, the numbering system can be explicitly specified with the
    Unicode BCP47 extension "nu". For example:

    *   "hi-IN-u-nu-native"

        Explicitly specifying the native digits for numeric formatting in
        Hindi language.

    *   "zh-u-nu-finance"

        Explicitly specifying the appropriate financial numerals in Chinese

    *   "ta-u-nu-traditio"

        Explicitly specifying the traditional Tamil numerals in Tamil

    *   "ar-u-nu-latn"

        Explicitly specifying the western digits 0-9 in Arabic language.

    Returns an hash reference of a given "locale" number systems available
    from the table locale_number_systems.

    TLDR; if "number_system" and "native" are the same, then it is ok to
    also use "latn" as numbering system. When "traditional" is not
    available, use "native". When "finance" is not available, use the
    default "number_system"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "locale_num_sys_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "number_system"

        A string representing a number system as can be found in the table
        number_systems, and "used for presentation of numeric quantities in
        the given locale" (LDML specifications

        In LDML specifications
        System>, this is named "default", but "default" is a reserved
        keyword in SQL terminology.

    *   "native"

        Quoting from the LDML specifications
        stems>: "Defines the numbering system used for the native digits,
        usually defined as a part of the script used to write the language.
        The "native" numbering system can only be a numeric positional
        decimal-digit numbering system, using digits with
        General_Category=Decimal_Number. Note: In locales where the "native"
        numbering system is the default, it is assumed that the numbering
        system "latn" (Western digits 0-9) is always acceptable, and can be
        selected using the "-nu" keyword as part of a Unicode locale

    *   "traditional"

        Quoting from the LDML specifications
        stems>: "Defines the "traditional" numerals for a locale. This
        numbering system may be numeric or algorithmic. If the "traditional"
        numbering system is not defined, applications should use the
        "native" numbering system as a fallback."

    *   "finance"

        Quoting from the LDML specifications
        stems>: "Defines the numbering system used for financial quantities.
        This numbering system may be numeric or algorithmic. This is often
        used for ideographic languages such as Chinese, where it would be
        easy to alter an amount represented in the default numbering system
        simply by adding additional strokes. If the financial numbering
        system is not specified, applications should use the default
        numbering system as a fallback."

        my $all = $cldr->locale_number_systems;

    Returns all locales numbering systems information from table
    locale_number_systems as an array reference of hash reference.

    No additional parameter is needed.

    This takes a "locale", such as "ja" or "ja-JP", or "es-ES-valencia" and
    it will return an array reference of inheritance tree of locales
    <>. This
    means the provided "locale"'s parent, its grand-parent, etc until it
    reaches the "root", which, under the "LDML" specifications is defined by

    For example:

        # Japanese
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'ja-JP' );


        ['ja-JP', 'ja', 'und']

    However, there are exceptions and the path is not always linear.

    For example:

        # Portugese in France
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'pt-FR' );


        ['pt-FR', 'pt-PT', 'pt', 'und']

    Why? Because the "CLDR" (Common Locale Data Repository) specifies a
    special parent for locale "pt-FR". Those exceptions are defined in
    common/supplemental/supplementalData.xml with xpath

    Another example:

        # Traditional Chinese
        my $tree = $cldr->make_inheritance_tree( 'yue-Hant' );

    Normally, this parent would be "yue", which would lead to simplified
    Chinese, which would not be appropriate, so instead the "CLDR" provides

        ['yue-Hant', 'zh-Hant', 'und']

    If an error occurred, it will set an error object and return "undef" in
    scalar context and an empty list in list context.

    See the LDML specifications about inheritance
    and about locale inheritance and matching
    <> for more

        my $ref = $cldr->metazone( metazone => 'Japan' ); # Japan Standard Time
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            metazone_id => 98,
            metazone    => 'Japan',
            territories => ["001"],
            timezones   => ["Asia/Tokyo"],

    Returns an hash reference of a "metazone" information from the table
    metazones for a given "metazone" ID.

    Quoting from the LDML specifications
    <>: "A
    metazone is a grouping of one or more internal TZIDs that share a common
    display name in current customary usage, or that have shared a common
    display name during some particular time period. For example, the zones
    Europe/Paris, Europe/Andorra, Europe/Tirane, Europe/Vienna,
    Europe/Sarajevo, Europe/Brussels, Europe/Zurich, Europe/Prague,
    Europe/Berlin, and so on are often simply designated Central European
    Time (or translated equivalent)."

    Also: "Metazones are used with the 'z', 'zzzz', 'v', and 'vvvv' date
    time pattern characters, and not with the 'Z', 'ZZZZ', 'VVVV' and other
    pattern characters for time zone formatting."

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "metazone_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "metazone"

        A "metazone" ID as defined by the LDML specifications

    *   "territory"

        An array of "territory" IDs as can be found in the table
        territories, and that are associated with this "metazone".

    *   "timezones"

        An array of "timezone" IDs as can be found in the table timezones,
        and that are associated with this "metazone".

        my $all = $cldr->metazones;

    Returns all metazones information from table metazones as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->metazone_names(
            locale      => 'en',
            metazone    => 'Japan',
            width       => 'long',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            metatz_name_id  => 4822,
            locale          => 'ja',
            metazone        => 'Japan',
            width           => 'long',
            generic         => 'Japan Time',
            standard        => 'Japan Standard Time',
            daylight        => 'Japan Daylight Time',

    Returns an hash reference of a "metazone" names localised information
    from the table metazones_names for a given "locale" ID, "metazone" and
    "width" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "metatz_name_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "metazone"

        A "metazone" such as can be found in table metazones

    *   "width"

        A "metazone" localised name "width", which can be either "long" or

        Note that not all metazones names have both "width" defined.

    *   "generic"

        The "metazone" "generic" name.

    *   "standard"

        The "metazone" "standard" name.

    *   "standard"

        The "metazone" "daylight" name defined if the "metazone" use
        daylight saving time system.

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $all = $cldr->metazones_names;
        my $all = $cldr->metazones_names( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->metazones_names( width => 'long' );
        my $all = $cldr->metazones_names(
            locale  => 'ja',
            width   => 'long',

    Returns all "metazone" localised formats from table metazones_names as
    an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "metazone"

        A "metazone" such as can be found in table metazones

    *   "width"

        A "metazone" localised name "width", which can be either "long" or

        Note that not all timezones names have both "width" defined.

    This takes a Unicode "locale", which can be quite complexe, and
    normalise it, by replacing outdated elements ("subtag") in the
    "language", "script", "territory" or "variant" part.

    it returns a new Locale::Unicode object

    You can also call this method as "normalize"

        my $ref = $cldr->number_format_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            number_type     => 'currency',
            format_length   => 'short',
            format_type     => 'standard',
            alt             => undef,
            count           => 'one',
            format_id       => 1000,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            number_format_id    => 2897,
            locale              => 'en',
            number_system       => 'latn',
            number_type         => 'currency',
            format_length       => 'short',
            format_type         => 'standard',
            format_id           => 1000,
            format_pattern      => '¤0K',
            alt                 => undef,
            count               => 'one',

    Returns an hash reference of a number format localised information from
    the table number_formats_l10n for a given "locale" ID, number system,
    "number_type", "format_length", "format_type", "alt", "count", and
    "format_id". If no "alt" value or "count" value is provided, it will
    default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "number_format_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "number_system"

        A "number_system" ID as can be found in the table number_systems

    *   "number_type"

        A string representing a number type.

        Known values are: "currency", "decimal", "misc", "percent",

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing a format length.

        Known values are: "default", "long", "short"

    *   "format_type"

        A string representing a format type.

        Known values are: "accounting", "default", "standard"

    *   "format_id"

        A string representing a format ID.

        Known values are:

        *       1000


        *       10000

                10 thousand

        *       100000

                100 thousand

        *       1000000


        *       10000000

                10 million

        *       100000000

                100 million

        *       1000000000


        *       10000000000

                10 billion

        *       100000000000

                100 billion

        *       1000000000000


        *       10000000000000

                10 trillion

        *       100000000000000

                100 trillion

        *       1000000000000000


        *       10000000000000000

                10 quadrillion

        *       100000000000000000

                100 quadrillion

        *       1000000000000000000


        *       10000000000000000000

                10 quintillion

        *       "atLeast"

        *       "atMost"

        *       "range"

        *       "default"

        *       "approximately"

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing a localised pattern.

    *   "alt"

        A string to specify an alternative value for the same "format_id"

    *   "count"

        A string representing a "count"

        Known values are: "undef", 1, "few", "many", "one", "other", "two",

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->number_formats_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            number_type     => 'currency',
            format_length   => 'short',
            format_type     => 'standard',

    Returns all number formats localised information from table
    number_formats_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "number_system"

        A "number_system" ID as can be found in the table number_systems

    *   "number_type"

        A string representing a number type.

        Known values are: "currency", "decimal", "misc", "percent",

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing a format length.

        Known values are: "default", "long", "short"

    *   "format_type"

        A string representing a format type.

        Known values are: "accounting", "default", "standard"

        my $ref = $cldr->number_symbol_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',
            property        => 'decimal',
            alt             => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            number_symbol_id    => 113,
            locale              => 'en',
            number_system       => 'latn',
            property            => 'decimal',
            value               => '.',
            alt                 => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a number symbol localised information from
    the table number_symbols_l10n for a given "locale" ID, "number_system",
    "property" value and "alt" value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will
    default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "number_symbol_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "number_system"

        A "number_system" ID as can be found in the table number_systems

        There are 69 number systems used in this table number_symbols_l10n
        out of the 88 known in the table number_systems

    *   "property"

        A string representing a number property.

        Known values are: "approximately", "currency_decimal",
        "currency_group", "decimal", "exponential", "group", "infinity",
        "list", "minus", "nan", "per_mille", "percent", "plus",
        "superscript", "time_separator"

        Note that not all locales have all those properties defined.

        For example, the "locale" "en" has the following properties defined
        for number system "latn": "decimal", "exponential", "group",
        "infinity", "list", "minus", "nan", "per_mille", "percent", "plus",

        Whereas, the "locale" "ja" only has this property defined and only
        for the number system "latn": "approximately"

        This is because, it inherits from "root", i.e. the special "locale"

    *   "alt"

        A string specified to provide for an alternative property value for
        the same property name.

        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->number_symbols_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'latn',

    Returns all number symbols localised information from table
    number_symbols_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "number_system"

        A "number_system" ID as can be found in the table number_systems

        my $ref = $cldr->number_system( number_system => 'jpan' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            numsys_id       => 35,
            number_system   => 'jpan',
            digits          => ["〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"],
            type            => 'algorithmic',

    Returns an hash reference of a "number_system" information from the
    table number_systems for a given "number_system" ID.

    There are 88 known number systems.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "numsys_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "number_system"

        A string representing a number system ID.

    *   "digits"

        An array of digits in their locale form, from 0 to 9

    *   "type"

        A string representing the type for this number system.

        Known types are: "algorithmic", "numeric"

         my $all = $cldr->number_systems;

    Returns all number systems information from table number_systems as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    There are 88 known number systems:

    *   "adlm"

        Adlam Digits

    *   "ahom"

        Ahom Digits

    *   "arab"

        Arabic-Indic Digits

    *   "arabext"

        Extended Arabic-Indic Digits

    *   "arabext"

        X Arabic-Indic Digits

    *   "armn"

        Armenian Numerals

    *   "armnlow"

        Armenian Lowercase Numerals

    *   "bali"

        Balinese Digits

    *   "beng"

        Bangla Digits

    *   "bhks"

        Bhaiksuki Digits

    *   "brah"

        Brahmi Digits

    *   "cakm"

        Chakma Digits

    *   "cham"

        Cham Digits

    *   "cyrl"

        Cyrillic Numerals

    *   "deva"

        Devanagari Digits

    *   "diak"

        Dives Akuru Digits

    *   "ethi"

        Ethiopic Numerals

    *   "fullwide"

        Full-Width Digits

    *   "geor"

        Georgian Numerals

    *   "gong"

        Gunjala Gondi digits

    *   "gonm"

        Masaram Gondi digits

    *   "grek"

        Greek Numerals

    *   "greklow"

        Greek Lowercase Numerals

    *   "gujr"

        Gujarati Digits

    *   "guru"

        Gurmukhi Digits

    *   "hanidays"

        Chinese Calendar Day-of-Month Numerals

    *   "hanidec"

        Chinese Decimal Numerals

    *   "hans"

        Simplified Chinese Numerals

    *   "hansfin"

        Simplified Chinese Financial Numerals

    *   "hant"

        Traditional Chinese Numerals

    *   "hantfin"

        Traditional Chinese Financial Numerals

    *   "hebr"

        Hebrew Numerals

    *   "hmng"

        Pahawh Hmong Digits

    *   "hmnp"

        Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong Digits

    *   "java"

        Javanese Digits

    *   "jpan"

        Japanese Numerals

    *   "jpanfin"

        Japanese Financial Numerals

    *   "jpanyear"

        Japanese Calendar Gannen Year Numerals

    *   "kali"

        Kayah Li Digits

    *   "kawi"

        Kawi Digits

    *   "khmr"

        Khmer Digits

    *   "knda"

        Kannada Digits

    *   "lana"

        Tai Tham Hora Digits

    *   "lanatham"

        Tai Tham Tham Digits

    *   "laoo"

        Lao Digits

    *   "latn"

        Western Digits

    *   "lepc"

        Lepcha Digits

    *   "limb"

        Limbu Digits

    *   "mathbold"

        Mathematical Bold Digits

    *   "mathdbl"

        Mathematical Double-Struck Digits

    *   "mathmono"

        Mathematical Monospace Digits

    *   "mathsanb"

        Mathematical Sans-Serif Bold Digits

    *   "mathsans"

        Mathematical Sans-Serif Digits

    *   "mlym"

        Malayalam Digits

    *   "modi"

        Modi Digits

    *   "mong"

        Mongolian Digits

    *   "mroo"

        Mro Digits

    *   "mtei"

        Meetei Mayek Digits

    *   "mymr"

        Myanmar Digits

    *   "mymrshan"

        Myanmar Shan Digits

    *   "mymrtlng"

        Myanmar Tai Laing Digits

    *   "nagm"

        Nag Mundari Digits

    *   "newa"

        Newa Digits

    *   "nkoo"

        N’Ko Digits

    *   "olck"

        Ol Chiki Digits

    *   "orya"

        Odia Digits

    *   "osma"

        Osmanya Digits

    *   "rohg"

        Hanifi Rohingya digits

    *   "roman"

        Roman Numerals

    *   "romanlow"

        Roman Lowercase Numerals

    *   "saur"

        Saurashtra Digits

    *   "segment"

        Segmented Digits

    *   "shrd"

        Sharada Digits

    *   "sind"

        Khudawadi Digits

    *   "sinh"

        Sinhala Lith Digits

    *   "sora"

        Sora Sompeng Digits

    *   "sund"

        Sundanese Digits

    *   "takr"

        Takri Digits

    *   "talu"

        New Tai Lue Digits

    *   "taml"

        Traditional Tamil Numerals

    *   "tamldec"

        Tamil Digits

    *   "telu"

        Telugu Digits

    *   "thai"

        Thai Digits

    *   "tibt"

        Tibetan Digits

    *   "tirh"

        Tirhuta Digits

    *   "tnsa"

        Tangsa Digits

    *   "vaii"

        Vai Digits

    *   "wara"

        Warang Citi Digits

    *   "wcho"

        Wancho Digits

        my $ref = $cldr->number_system_l10n(
            number_system => 'jpan',
            locale => 'en',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            num_sys_l10n_id => 1335,
            locale          => 'en',
            number_system   => 'jpan',
            locale_name     => 'Japanese Numerals',
            alt             => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "number_system" localised information
    from the table number_systems_l10n for a given "number_system" ID and a
    "locale" ID.

    There are 190 known localised information for number systems.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "num_sys_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "number_system"

        A string representing a number system ID.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing the number system in the "locale"

    *   "alt"

        A string specifying an alternative version for an otherwise same
        number system.

         my $all = $cldr->number_systems_l10n;

    Returns all number systems localised information from table
    number_systems_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

        my $ref = $cldr->person_name_default( locale => 'ja' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            pers_name_def_id    => 3,
            locale              => 'ja',
            value               => 'surnameFirst',

    Returns an hash reference of a person name defaults information from the
    table person_name_defaults for a given "locale" ID.

    Be aware that there are very few data. This is because the entry for
    locale "und" (undefined), contains the default value. Thus, if there is
    no data for the desired locale, you should fallback to "und"

    This is the way the Unicode CLDR data is structured.

        my $all = $cldr->person_name_defaults;

    Returns all person name defaults information from table
    person_name_defaults as an array reference of hash reference.

        my $ref = $cldr->rbnf(
            locale => 'ja',
            ruleset => 'spellout-cardinal',
            rule_id => 7,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            rbnf_id     => 7109,
            locale      => 'ja',
            grouping    => 'SpelloutRules',
            ruleset     => 'spellout-cardinal',
            rule_id     => '7',
            rule_value  => '七;',

    Returns an hash reference of a RBNF (Rule-Based Number Format)
    information from the table rbnf for a given "locale" ID, a rule set
    "ruleset" and a rule ID "rule_id".

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "rbnf_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "grouping"

        A string representing a "RBNF" grouping.

        Known values are: "NumberingSystemRules", "OrdinalRules",

    *   "ruleset"

        A string representing the rule set name.

    *   "rule_id"

        A string representing the rule ID.

    *   "rule_value"

        A string containing the rule value.

        Make sure to read the "LDML" documentation, as it may contain
        information to alias this rule on another one.

        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs;
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( locale => 'ko' );
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( grouping => 'SpelloutRules' );
        my $all = $cldr->rbnfs( ruleset => 'spellout-cardinal-native' );

    Returns all RBNF (Rule-Based Number Format) information from table rbnf
    as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "grouping"

        A group value. Known values are: "NumberingSystemRules",
        "OrdinalRules" and "SpelloutRules"

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "ruleset"

        The name of a rule set.

        my $ref = $cldr->reference( code => 'R1131' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            ref_id  => 132,
            code    => 'R1131',
            uri     => '',
            description => 'English is the first language learned by half the children by the time they reach preschool age; using 92.6% of pop for the English figure',

    Returns an hash reference of a reference information from the table refs
    for a given "code".

        my $all = $cldr->references;

    Returns all reference information from table refs as an array reference
    of hash reference.

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->script( script => 'Jpan' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            script_id       => 73,
            script          => 'Jpan',
            rank            => 5,
            sample_char     => '3048',
            id_usage        => 'RECOMMENDED',
            rtl             => 0,
            lb_letters      => 1,
            has_case        => 0,
            shaping_req     => 0,
            ime             => 1,
            density         => 2,
            origin_country  => 'JP',
            likely_language => 'ja',
            status          => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a "script" information from the table
    scripts for a given "script" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    The information is quoted directly from the "CLDR" data.

    *   "script_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "script"

        A string representing a "script" ID

    *   "rank"

        "The approximate rank of this script from a large sample of the web,
        in terms of the number of characters found in that script. Below 32
        the ranking is not statistically significant."

    *   "sample_char"

        "A sample character for use in "Last Resort" style fonts. For
        printing the combining mark for Zinh in a chart, U+25CC can be
        prepended. See"

    *   "id_usage"

        "The usage for IDs (tables 4-7) according to UAX #31."

        For a description of values, see


    *   "rtl"

        True "if the script is RTL. Derived from whether the script contains
        RTL letters according to the Bidi_Class property"

    *   "lb_letters"

        True "if the major languages using the script allow linebreaks
        between letters (excluding hyphenation). Derived from LB property."

    *   "has_case"

        True "if in modern (or most recent) usage case distinctions are

    *   "shaping_req"

        True "if shaping is required for the major languages using that
        script for NFC text. This includes not only ligation (and Indic
        conjuncts), Indic vowel splitting/reordering, and Arabic-style
        contextual shaping, but also cases where NSM placement is required,
        like Thai. MIN if NSM placement is sufficient, not the more complex
        shaping. The NSM placement may only be necessary for some major
        languages using the script."

    *   "ime"

        Input Method Engine.

        True "if the major languages using the script require IMEs. In
        particular, users (of languages for that script) would be accustomed
        to using IMEs (such as Japanese) and typical commercial products for
        those languages would need IME support in order to be competitive."

    *   "density"

        "The approximate information density of characters in this script,
        based on comparison of bilingual texts."

    *   "origin_country"

        "The approximate area where the script originated, expressed as a
        BCP47 region code."

    *   "likely_language"

        The likely "language" associated with this "script"

    *   "status"

        A string representing the status for this "script"

        Known values are: "deprecated", "private_use", "regular",
        "reserved", "special", "unknown"

    See also the Unicode list of known scripts

        my $all = $cldr->scripts;
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( rtl => 1 );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( origin_country => 'FR' );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts( likely_language => 'fr' );

    Returns all scripts information from table scripts as an array reference
    of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "likely_language"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "origin_country"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

    *   "rtl"

        A boolean value. 0 for false and 1 for true.

        my $ref = $cldr->script_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            script  => 'Latn',
            alt     => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            scripts_l10n_id => 3636,
            locale          => 'en',
            script          => 'Latn',
            locale_name     => 'Latin',
            alt             => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "script" localised information from the
    table scripts_l10n for a given "script" ID and a "locale" ID and a "alt"
    value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "scripts_l10n_id"

        This is a unique incremental integer automatically generated by

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "script"

        A 3 to 4-characters script ID as can be found in the table scripts

    *   "locale_name"

        The localised script name based on the "locale" specified.

    *   "alt"

        A string, that is optional, and is used to provide an alternative
        version. Known "alt" values are: "undef", "secondary", "short",
        "stand-alone", "variant"

        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->scripts_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,

    Returns all localised scripts information from table scripts_l10n as an
    array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "alt"

        A string, that is optional, and is used to provide an alternative
        version. Known "alt" values are: "undef", "secondary", "short",
        "stand-alone", "variant"

        my $ref = $cldr->split_interval(
            pattern => $string,
            greatest_diff => 'd',
        ) || die( $cldr->error );

    This takes an hash or hash reference of options and it returns a
    4-elements array reference containing:

    1. first part of the pattern
    2. the separator, which may be an empty string
    3. second part of the pattern
    4. the best repeating pattern found

    The required options are:

    *   "greatest_diff"

        A token representing the greatest difference.

        Known values are: "B", "G", "H", "M", "a", "d", "h", "m", "y"

        See "Format Patterns" for their meaning.

    *   "pattern"

        A interval pattern, such as one you can get with the method

    This method is provided as a convenience, but the interval formats data
    in the database have already been pre-processed, so you do not have to
    do it.

        my $ref = $cldr->subdivision( subdivision => 'jp12' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            subdivision_id  => 2748,
            territory       => 'JP',
            subdivision     => 'jp12',
            parent          => 'JP',
            is_top_level    => 1,
            status          => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a subdivision information from the table
    subdivisions for a given "subdivision" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "subdivision_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" ID, such as can be found in table territories

    *   "subdivision"

        A string representing a "subdivision" ID

    *   "parent"

        A string representing a parent for this "subdivision". It can be
        either another "subdivision" ID, or a "territory" ID, if this is a
        top "subdivision"

    *   "is_top_level"

        A boolean value representing whether this "subdivision" is directly
        under a "territory" or rather under another "subdivision"

    *   "status"

        A string representing the status for this "subdivision".

        Known values are: "deprecated", "regular", "unknown"

        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions;
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( territory => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( parent => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions( is_top_level => 1 );

    Returns all subdivisions information from table subdivisions as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "is_top_level"

        A boolean value. 0 for false and 1 for true.

    *   "parent"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

        my $ref = $cldr->subdivision_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            # Texas
            subdivision => 'ustx',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            subdiv_l10n_id  => 56463,
            locale          => 'en',
            subdivision     => 'ustx',
            locale_name     => 'Texas',

    Returns an hash reference of a "subdivision" localised information from
    the table subdivisions_l10n for a given "subdivision" ID and a "locale"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "subdiv_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "subdivision"

        A "subdivision" ID as can be found from the table subdivisions

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing the localised name of the "subdivision" in the
        "locale" specified.

    See the LDML specifications
    for more information.

        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->subdivisions_l10n( locale => 'en' );

    Returns all subdivisions localised information from table
    subdivisions_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

        my $ref = $cldr->territory( territory => 'FR' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            territory_id        => 118,
            territory           => 'FR',
            parent              => 155,
            gdp                 => 2856000000000,
            literacy_percent    => 99,
            population          => 67848200,
            languages           => ["fr", "en", "es", "de", "oc", "it", "pt", "pcd", "gsw", "br", "co", "hnj", "ca", "eu", "nl", "frp", "ia"],
            contains            => undef,
            currency            => 'EUR',
            calendars           => undef,
            min_days            => 4,
            first_day           => 1,
            weekend             => undef,
            status              => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a territory information from the table
    territories for a given "territory" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "territory"

        A 2-characters code designating a country code, which may not
        necessarily be an active ISO 3166 code, because the CLDR keeps
        outdated ones for consistency.

        It can also be a 3-digits world region code.

    *   "parent"

        A "parent" territory, if one is defined. For example, France ("FR")
        has parent 155 representing Western Europe, which has parent 150,
        representing Europe, which, itself, has parent 001, representing the

    *   "gdp"

        The territory GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which may be "undef",
        especially for world region.

    *   "literacy_percent"

        The literacy percentage of the population expressed as a decimal.
        For example, a value of 99 means 99%

    *   "population"

        The territory population as an integer.

    *   "languages"

        The languages known to be spoken in this territory, as an array of
        "language" IDs. For significant languages, you can get more
        information, such as their share of the population with

    *   "contains"

        An array of "territory" codes contained by this territory. This may
        be "undef"

        This value is typically set for world "region" codes and for special
        territories like "EU", "EZ", "QO" and "UN"

    *   "currency"

        The official "currency" used in this territory. This may be "undef"
        such as for world regions.

    *   "calendars"

        An array of calendar systems used in this "territory"

    *   "min_days"

        This is used to decide if the week starting with "first_day" is to
        ne included in the calendar as the first week of the new yer or last
        week of the previous year.

        See the LDML specifications

    *   "first_day"

        The first day of the week. Although in the Unicode LDML, the
        *weekday names are identified with short strings, since there is no
        universally-accepted numeric designation*, here the value used is an
        integer from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)

    *   "weekend"

        An array of week days (identified by integers as explained in
        "first_day"). This value may be null, in which case, the default
        value to be used is the one set in the World region (001), which is
        "[6,7]", i.e. Saturday and Sunday.

    *   "status"

        A string representing the "status" for this territory.

        Known "status" values are: "deprecated", "macroregion",
        "private_use", "regular", "reserved", "special", "unknown"

        my $all = $cldr->territories;
        my $all = $cldr->territories( parent => 150 );

    Returns all territories information from table territories as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "parent"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

        my $ref = $cldr->territory_l10n(
            locale      => 'en',
            territory   => 'JP',
            alt         => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            terr_l10n_id    => 13385,
            locale          => 'en',
            territory       => 'JP',
            locale_name     => 'Japan',
            alt             => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a territory localised information from the
    table territories_l10n for a given "territory" ID and a "locale" ID and
    an "alt" value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "terr_l10n_id"

        This is a unique incremental integer automatically generated by

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "territory"

        A 2-characters country code or a 3-digits region code as can be
        found in the table territories

    *   "locale_name"

        The localised territory name based on the "locale" specified.

    *   "alt"

        A string, that is optional, and is used to provide an alternative
        version. Known "alt" values are: "undef", "biot", "chagos", "short",

        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->territories_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,

    Returns all localised territories information from table
    territories_l10n as an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "alt"

        A string, that is optional, and is used to provide an alternative
        version. Known "alt" values are: "undef", "biot", "chagos", "short",

        my $ref = $cldr->time_format( region => 'JP' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            time_format_id  => 86,
            region          => 'JP',
            territory       => 'JP',
            locale          => undef,
            time_format     => 'H',
            time_allowed    =>  ["H", "K", "h"],

    Returns an hash reference of a time format information from the table
    time_formats for a given "region" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "time_format_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "region"

        A string representing a "region", which can be a "territory" code,
        such as "US" or 419, or a "language" ID with a "territory" ID, such
        as "it-CH" or "en-001".

    *   "territory"

        A string representing the "territory" part of the "region" as can be
        found in table territories

    *   "locale"

        A string representing the "locale" part of the "region" value.

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "time_format"

        A short string representing a time format.

        Known values are: "H" and "h"

    *   "time_allowed"

        An array of format allowed.

        For example:


    See the LDML specifications
    <> for more

        my $all = $cldr->time_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( region => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( territory => 'JP' );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( locale => undef );
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats( locale => 'en' );

    Returns all time formats information from table time_formats as an array
    reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale" such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "region"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            timezone_id => 281,
            timezone    => 'Asia/Tokyo',
            territory   => 'JP',
            region      => 'Asia',
            tzid        => 'japa',
            metazone    => 'Japan',
            tz_bcpid    => 'jptyo',
            is_golden   => 1,
            is_primary  => 0,
            is_preferred => 0,
            is_canonical => 0,

    Returns an hash reference of a time zone information from the table
    timezones based on the "timezone" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "timezone_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone" ID

    *   "territory"

        A string representing a "territory" code as can be found in table

    *   "region"

        A string representing a world region.

        Known regions are; "Africa", "America", "Antarctica", "Arctic",
        "Asia", "Atlantic", "Australia", "CST6CDT", "EST5EDT", "Etc",
        "Europe", "Indian", "MST7MDT", "PST8PDT", "Pacific"

    *   "tzid"

        A string representing a timezone ID

    *   "metazone"

        A string representing a metazone ID

    *   "tz_bcpid"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone ID is also a BCP47

    *   "is_golden"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is a golden timezone.

        A "timezone" is deemed "golden" if it is specified in the "CLDR" as
        part of the primaryZones
        <> or
        if the "timezone" territory is 001 (World).

        As explained in the LDML specifications
        mes>, "[t]he golden zones are those in mapZone supplemental data
        under the territory 001."

    *   "is_primary"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is a primary timezone.

        As explained in the LDML specifications
        this "specifies the dominant zone for a region; this zone should use
        the region name for its generic location name even though there are
        other canonical zones available in the same region. For example,
        "Asia/Shanghai" is displayed as "China Time", instead of "Shanghai

    *   "is_preferred"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is the preferred timezone
        for this "metazone"

    *   "is_canonical"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is the canonical
        timezone, since it can have multiple aliases.

        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones;
        # Or, providing with some filtering arguments
        # Returns all the timezones for the country code 'JP'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( territory => 'JP' );
        # Returns all the timezones for the region code 'Asia'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( region => 'Asia' );
         # Returns all the timezones that match the CLDR timezone ID 'japa'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( tzid => 'japa' );
         # Returns all the timezones that match the BCP47 timezone ID 'jptyo'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( tz_bcpid => 'jptyo' );
         # Returns all the timezones that have the CLDR metazone 'Japan'
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( metazone => 'Japan' );
        # Returns all the timezones that are 'golden' timezones
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( is_golden => 1 );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( is_primary => 1 );
        my $array_ref = $cldr->timezones( is_canonical => 1 );

    Returns all the "timezone" information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table timezones

    You can adjust the data return by using a combination of the following
    filtering arguments:

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

    *   "region"

        A world region. Known values are: "Africa", "America", "Antarctica",
        "Arctic", "Asia", "Atlantic", "Australia", "CST6CDT", "EST5EDT",
        "Etc", "Europe", "Indian", "MST7MDT", "PST8PDT", "Pacific"

    *   "tzid"

        A Unicode timezone ID

    *   "tz_bcpid"

        A Unicode BCP47 timezone ID.

    *   "metazone"

        A Unicode metazone ID.

    *   "is_golden"

        A boolean expressing whether this time zone is "golden" (in Unicode
        parlance), or not. 1 for true, and 0 for false.

    *   "is_primary"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is a primary timezone.

    *   "is_canonical"

        A boolean specifying whether this timezone is the canonical
        timezone, since it can have multiple aliases.

        my $str = $cldr->timezone_canonical( 'Europe/Paris' );
        # Europe/Paris
        my $str = $cldr->timezone_canonical( 'America/Atka' );
        # America/Adak
        my $str = $cldr->timezone_canonical( 'US/Aleutian' );
        # America/Adak

    Provided with a "timezone", and this returns the canonical timezone

    If no matching "timezone" could be found, an empty string is returned.

    If an error occurred, this sets an exception object, and returns "undef"
    in scalar context, and an empty list in list context.

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_city(
            locale   => 'de',
            timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            tz_city_id  => 7486,
            locale      => 'de',
            timezone    => 'Asia/Tokyo',
            city        => 'Tokio',
            alt         => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "timezone" localised exemplar city from
    the table timezones_cities for a given "locale" ID, "timezone" and "alt"
    value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    The behaviour of this method is altered depending on whether
    extend_timezones_cities is set to a true boolean value or not. If set to
    true, this will retrieve the data from the table
    "timezones_cities_extended" instead of the "timezones_cities"

    By default, extend_timezones_cities is set to true, and the
    Locale::Unicode::Data distribution comes with an extended set of time
    zones cities. The default Unicode CLDR data comes only with a minimal

    This method is especially used to format the pattern characters "v" and
    "V". See the section on Format Patterns for more about this.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "tz_city_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone" ID as can be found in the table timezones

    *   "city"

        A localised version of a representative city for this given

        Note that not all locales have a localised city for all timezones.

    *   "alt"

        A string specified to provide for an alternative city value for the
        same city name.

        Known values are: "undef" and "secondary"

        my $all = $cldr->timezones_cities;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_cities( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_cities(
            locale  => 'ja',
            alt     => undef,

    Returns all timezone localised representative city name from table
    timezones_cities as an array reference of hash reference.

    The behaviour of this method is altered depending on whether
    extend_timezones_cities is set to a true boolean value or not. If set to
    true, this will retrieve the data from the table
    "timezones_cities_extended" instead of the "timezones_cities"

    By default, extend_timezones_cities is set to true, and the
    Locale::Unicode::Data distribution comes with an extended set of time
    zones cities. The default Unicode CLDR data comes only with a minimal

    This method is especially used to format the pattern characters "v" and
    "V". See the section on Format Patterns for more about this.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "alt"

        A string used to differentiate two version of a localised city name.

        Known values are: "undef" and "secondary"

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_formats(
            locale  => 'en',
            type    => 'region',
            subtype => 'standard',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            tz_fmt_id       => 145,
            locale          => 'en',
            type            => 'region',
            subtype         => 'standard',
            format_pattern  => '{0} Standard Time',

    Returns an hash reference of a "timezone" formats localised information
    from the table timezones_formats for a given "locale" ID, "type" and
    optional "subtype" value. If no "subtype" value is provided, it will
    default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "tz_fmt_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "type"

        A format type. This can be either: "fallback", "gmt", "gmt_zero",
        "hour" and "region"

        *   "fallback"

            Quoting the LDML specifications
            >: "a formatting string such as "{1} ({0})", where "{1}" is the
            metazone, and "{0}" is the country or city."

            For example: "{1} ({0})", which would yield in English: "Pacific
            Time (Canada)"

        *   "gmt"

            A formatting string, such as "GMT{0}", where "{0}" is the GMT
            offset in hour, minute, and possibly seconds, using the "hour"

            For example: "GMT{0}", which would yield in English: "GMT-0800"

        *   "hour"

            2 formatting strings separated by a semicolon; one for the
            positive offset formatting and the other for the negative offset

            See the section on formatting patterns for the significance of
            the letters used in formatting.

            For example: "+HHmm;-HHmm", which would yield in English: +1200

        *   "gmt_zero"

            For example: "GMT"

            This specifies how GMT/UTC with no explicit offset (implied 0
            offset) should be represented.

        *   "region"

            Quoting the LDML specifications
            at_Terminology>: "a formatting string such as "{0} Time", where
            "{0}" is the country or city."

            For example: "{0} Daylight Time", which would yield in English:
            "France Daylight Time", or in Spanish, the pattern "horario de
            verano de {0}", which would yield "horario de verano de Francia"

    *   "subtype"

        A "timezone" format subtype, such as "daylight", "standard"

        Note that not all timezones and locales have a localised "daylight"
        or "standard" format

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string representing the format pattern.

    See the LDML specifications
    and specifications about fallback formats
    _Used_for_Fallback> for more information.

        my $all = $cldr->timezones_formats;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_formats( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_formats(
            locale  => 'ja',
            type    => 'region',
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_formats(
            locale  => 'ja',
            subtype => 'standard',
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_formats(
            format_pattern  => '{0} Daylight Time',

    Returns all "timezone" localised formats from table timezones_formats as
    an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "type"

        A format type. This can be either: "fallback", "gmt", "gmt_zero",
        "hour" and "region"

    *   "subtype"

        A "timezone" format subtype, such as "daylight", "standard"

        Note that not all timezones and locales have a localised "daylight"
        or "standard" format

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone    => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start       => '1994-04-30T21:00:00',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            tzinfo_id   => 594,
            timezone    => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            metazone    => 'Moscow',
            start       => '1994-04-30T21:00:00',
            until       => '1997-03-30T01:00:00',

    or, maybe, simpler, using the advanced search:

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone    => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start       => ['>1992-01-01', '<1995-01-01'],

    That way, you do not need to know the exact date.

    Returns an hash reference of a "timezone" historical information from
    the table timezones_info for a given "timezone" ID and a "start"
    datetime. If no "start" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "tzinfo_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone", such as "Asia/Tokyo" table timezones

    *   "metazone"

        A "metazone" ID

        There are 190 known "metazone" IDs

    *   "start"

        An ISO8601 start datetime value for this timezone.

        This may be "undef"

    *   "until"

        An ISO8601 datetime value representing the date and time until which
        this timezone was valid.

        It may be "undef"

        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( timezone => 'Europe/Simferopol' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( metazone => 'Singapore' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( start => undef );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_info( until => undef );

    Returns all the "timezone" information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table timezones_info

    You can adjust the data return by using a combination of the following
    filtering arguments:

    *   "metazone"

        A Unicode "metazone" ID

    *   "start"

        An ISO8601 date and time from which to find data. For example:

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone" value.

    *   "until"

        An ISO8601 date and time until which to find data. For example:

        my $ref = $cldr->timezone_names(
            locale      => 'ja',
            timezone    => 'Europe/London',
            width       => 'long',
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            tz_name_id      => 85,
            locale          => 'ja',
            timezone        => 'Europe/London',
            width           => 'long',
            generic         => undef,
            standard        => undef,
            daylight        => '英国夏時間',

    Returns an hash reference of a "timezone" names localised information
    from the table timezones_names for a given "locale" ID, "timezone" and
    "width" value.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "tz_name_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone" such as can be found in table timezones

    *   "width"

        A "timezone" localised name "width", which can be either "long" or

        Note that not all timezones names have both "width" defined.

    *   "generic"

        The "timezone" "generic" name.

    *   "standard"

        The "timezone" "standard" name.

    *   "standard"

        The "timezone" "daylight" name defined if the "timezone" use
        daylight saving time system.

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $all = $cldr->timezones_names;
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_names( locale => 'ja' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_names( width => 'long' );
        my $all = $cldr->timezones_names(
            locale  => 'ja',
            width   => 'long',

    Returns all "timezone" localised formats from table timezones_names as
    an array reference of hash reference.

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "timezone"

        A "timezone" such as can be found in table timezones

    *   "width"

        A "timezone" localised name "width", which can be either "long" or

        Note that not all timezones names have both "width" defined.

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_alias( alias => 'meter-per-second-squared' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_alias_id   => 3,
            alias           => 'meter-per-second-squared',
            target          => 'meter-per-square-second',
            reason          => 'deprecated',

    Or, maybe simpler, using the advanced search:

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_alias( alias => '~^meter.*' );


        my $ref = $cldr->unit_alias( alias => qr/^meter.*/ );

    Returns an hash reference of a unit alias information from the table
    unit_aliases based on the "alias" ID provided.

        my $all = $cldr->unit_aliases;

    Returns all the unit alias information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table unit_aliases

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_constant( constant => 'lb_to_kg' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_constant_id    => 1,
            constant            => 'lb_to_kg',
            expression          => 0.45359237,
            value               => 0.45359237,
            description         => undef,
            status              => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a unit constant information from the table
    unit_constants based on the "constant" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "unit_constant_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "constant"

        The unit constant ID.

    *   "expression"

        The constant expression as defined in "CLDR"

    *   "value"

        The constant resolved value, computed from the "expression"

    *   "description"

        A string describing the constant.

    *   "status"

        A string representing the "status" for this "constant"

        my $all = $cldr->unit_constants;

    Returns all the unit constants information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table unit_constants

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_conversion( source => 'kilogram' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_conversion_id  => 9,
            source              => 'kilogram',
            base_unit           => 'kilogram',
            expression          => undef,
            factor              => undef,
            systems             => ["si", "metric"],
            category            => 'mass',

    Returns an hash reference of a unit conversion information from the
    table unit_conversions based on the "source" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "unit_conversion_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "source"

        A string representing the unit source.

    *   "base_unit"

        A string representing the base unit for this unit conversion

    *   "expression"

        A string representing the unit expression, if any.

    *   "factor"

        A string representing the unit factor value, if any.

    *   "systems"

        An array of string representing the unit conversion systems.

    *   "category"

        A string representing the unit conversion category.

        Known category values are: "acceleration", "angle", "area",
        "catalytic-activity", "concentration-mass", "digital",
        "electric-capacitance", "electric-charge", "electric-conductance",
        "electric-current", "electric-inductance", "electric-resistance",
        "energy", "force", "frequency", "graphics", "ionizing-radiation",
        "length", "luminance", "luminous-flux", "luminous-intensity",
        "magnetic-flux", "magnetic-induction", "mass", "portion", "power",
        "pressure", "pressure-per-length", "radioactivity", "solid-angle",
        "speed", "substance-amount", "temperature", "th", "time",
        "typewidth", "voltage", "volume", "year-duration"

        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions( base_unit => 'kilogram' );;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_conversions( category => 'mass' );

    Returns all the unit conversion information as an array reference of
    hash reference from the table unit_conversions

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "base_unit"

        A base unit ID.

    *   "category"

        A category ID. Known categories are: "acceleration", "angle",
        "area", "catalytic-activity", "concentration-mass", "digital",
        "electric-capacitance", "electric-charge", "electric-conductance",
        "electric-current", "electric-inductance", "electric-resistance",
        "energy", "force", "frequency", "graphics", "ionizing-radiation",
        "length", "luminance", "luminous-flux", "luminous-intensity",
        "magnetic-flux", "magnetic-induction", "mass", "portion", "power",
        "pressure", "pressure-per-length", "radioactivity", "solid-angle",
        "speed", "substance-amount", "temperature", "th", "time",
        "typewidth", "voltage", "volume", "year-duration"

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_l10n(
            unit_id         => 'length-kilometer',
            locale          => 'en',
            # long, narrow, short
            format_length   => 'long',
            # compound, regular
            unit_type       => 'regular',
            count           => 'one',
            gender          => undef,
            gram_case       => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            units_l10n_id   => 25599,
            locale          => 'en',
            format_length   => 'long',
            unit_type       => 'regular',
            unit_id         => 'length-kilometer',
            unit_pattern    => '{0} kilometer',
            pattern_type    => 'regular',
            locale_name     => 'kilometers',
            count           => 'one',
            gender          => undef,
            gram_case       => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "unit" localised information from the
    table units_l10n for a given "locale" ID, "format_length", "unit_type",
    "unit_id", "count", "gender", "gram_case".

    If no "count", "gender", or "gram_case" value is provided, it will
    default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "units_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing the unit format length

        Known values are: "long", "narrow", "short"

    *   "unit_type"

        A string representing a "unit" type.

        Known values are: "compound" and "regular"

    *   "unit_id"

        A string representing a "unit" ID.

    *   "unit_pattern"

        A string representing a localised "unit" pattern.

    *   "pattern_type"

        A string representing a pattern type.

        Known values are: "per-unit", "prefix", "regular"

    *   "locale_name"

        A string containing the localised representation of this "unit"

        Note that there is no "locale_name" value for "unit" of type
        "compound" in the "CLDR" data.

    *   "count"

        A string used to differentiate identical values.

        Known values are: "undef", "one", "other", "zero", "two", "few",

    *   "gender"

        A string representing the "gender" associated with the "unit"

        The locales that are known to use "gender" information for units

        *       "ar"


        *       "ca"


        *       "cs"


        *       "da"


        *       "de"


        *       "el"


        *       "es"


        *       "fr"


        *       "fr-CA"

                Canadian French

        *       "gu"


        *       "he"


        *       "hi"


        *       "hr"


        *       "is"


        *       "it"


        *       "kn"


        *       "lt"


        *       "lv"


        *       "ml"


        *       "mr"


        *       "nl"


        *       "nn"

                Norwegian Nynorsk

        *       "no"


        *       "pa"


        *       "pl"


        *       "pt"


        *       "ro"


        *       "ru"


        *       "sk"


        *       "sl"


        *       "sr"


        *       "sv"


        *       "uk"


        *       "ur"


    *   "gram_case"

        A string representing a grammatical case.

        Known values are: "ablative", "accusative", "dative", "elative",
        "ergative", "genitive", "illative", "instrumental", "locative",
        "oblique", "partitive", "prepositional", "sociative", "terminative",
        "translative", "vocative"

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for
    more information.

        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->units_l10n(
            locale          => 'en',
            format_length   => 'long',
            unit_type       => 'regular',
            unit_id         => 'length-kilometer',
            pattern_type    => 'regular',

    Returns all the unit prefixes information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table units_l10n

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "format_length"

        A string representing the unit format length

        Known values are: "long", "narrow", "short"

    *   "unit_type"

        A string representing a "unit" type.

        Known values are: "compound" and "regular"

    *   "unit_id"

        A string representing a "unit" ID.

    *   "pattern_type"

        A string representing a pattern type.

        Known values are: "per-unit", "prefix", "regular"

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_prefix( unit_id => 'micro' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_prefix_id  => 9,
            unit_id         => 'micro',
            symbol          => 'μ',
            power           => 10,
            factor          => -6,

    Returns an hash reference of a unit prefix information from the table
    unit_prefixes based on the "unit_id" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "unit_prefix_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "unit_id"

        A "unit" ID

    *   "symbol"

        A string representing the unit symbol.

    *   "power"

        A value representing the unit power

    *   "factor"

        A value representing the unit factor.

        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefixes;

    Returns all the unit prefixes information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table unit_prefixes

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_pref( unit_id => 'square-meter' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_pref_id    => 3,
            unit_id         => 'square-meter',
            territory       => '001',
            category        => 'area',
            usage           => 'default',
            geq             => undef,
            skeleton        => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a unit preference information from the
    table unit_prefs based on the "unit_id" ID provided.

        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs( territory => 'US' );
        my $all = $cldr->unit_prefs( category => 'area' );

    Returns all the unit preferences information as an array reference of
    hash reference from the table unit_prefs

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "territory"

        A "territory" code as can be found in table territories

    *   "category"

        A category ID. Known categories are: "area", "concentration",
        "consumption", "duration", "energy", "length", "mass",
        "mass-density", "power", "pressure", "speed", "temperature",
        "volume", "year-duration"

        my $ref = $cldr->unit_quantity( base_unit => 'kilogram' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            unit_quantity_id    => 4,
            base_unit           => 'kilogram',
            quantity            => 'mass',
            status              => 'simple',
            comment             => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a unit quantities information from the
    table unit_quantities based on the "unit_id" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "unit_quantity_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "base_unit"

        A string representing the base unit.

    *   "quantity"

        A string representing the unit quantity.

        Known values are: "acceleration", "angle", "area",
        "catalytic-activity", "concentration", "concentration-mass",
        "consumption", "current-density", "digital", "duration",
        "electric-capacitance", "electric-charge", "electric-conductance",
        "electric-current", "electric-inductance", "electric-resistance",
        "energy", "force", "frequency", "graphics", "illuminance",
        "ionizing-radiation", "length", "luminous-flux",
        "luminous-intensity", "magnetic-field-strength", "magnetic-flux",
        "magnetic-induction", "mass", "mass-density", "mass-fraction",
        "portion", "power", "pressure", "pressure-per-length",
        "radioactivity", "resolution", "solid-angle", "specific-volume",
        "speed", "substance-amount", "temperature", "typewidth", "voltage",
        "volume", "wave-number", "year-duration"

    *   "status"

        A string representing the unit status.

        Known values are: "undef" and "simple"

    *   "comment"

        A text providing some comments about this unit quantity.

        my $all = $cldr->unit_quantities;
        my $all = $cldr->unit_quantities( quantity => 'mass' );

    Returns all the unit quantities information as an array reference of
    hash reference from the table unit_quantities

    A combination of the following fields may be provided to filter the
    information returned:

    *   "quantity"

        A "quantity" ID. Known "quantity" ID are: "acceleration", "angle",
        "area", "catalytic-activity", "concentration", "concentration-mass",
        "consumption", "current-density", "digital", "duration",
        "electric-capacitance", "electric-charge", "electric-conductance",
        "electric-current", "electric-inductance", "electric-resistance",
        "energy", "force", "frequency", "graphics", "illuminance",
        "ionizing-radiation", "length", "luminous-flux",
        "luminous-intensity", "magnetic-field-strength", "magnetic-flux",
        "magnetic-induction", "mass", "mass-density", "mass-fraction",
        "portion", "power", "pressure", "pressure-per-length",
        "radioactivity", "resolution", "solid-angle", "specific-volume",
        "speed", "substance-amount", "temperature", "typewidth", "voltage",
        "volume", "wave-number", "year-duration"

        my $ref = $cldr->variant( variant => 'valencia' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            variant_id  => 111,
            variant     => 'valencia',
            status      => 'regular',

    Returns an hash reference of a variant information from the table
    variants based on the "variant" ID provided.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "variant_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "variant"

        A "variant" ID

    *   "status"

        A string representing a status for this variant.

        Known values are: "undef", "deprecated", "regular"

        my $all = $cldr->variants;

    Returns all the variants information as an array reference of hash
    reference from the table variants

    No additional parameter is needed.

        my $ref = $cldr->variant_l10n(
            variant => 'valencia',
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            var_l10n_id => 771,
            locale      => 'en',
            variant     => 'valencia',
            locale_name => 'Valencian',
            alt         => undef,

    Returns an hash reference of a "variant" localised information from the
    table variants_l10n for a given "variant" ID and a "locale" ID and an
    "alt" value. If no "alt" value is provided, it will default to "undef"

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "var_l10n_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "variant"

        A "variant" ID as can be found in the table variants

    *   "locale_name"

        A string representing the localised "variant" name based on the

    *   "alt"

        An alternative value identifier to distinguish a variant with the
        same name.

        Known values are: "undef" and "secondary"

        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n;
        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n( locale => 'en' );
        my $all = $cldr->variants_l10n(
            locale  => 'en',
            alt     => undef,

    Returns all the variants localised information as an array reference of
    hash reference from the table variants_l10n

        my $ref = $cldr->week_preference( locale => 'ja' );
        # Returns an hash reference like this:
            week_pref_id    => 32,
            locale          => 'ja',
            ordering        => ["weekOfDate", "weekOfMonth"],

    Returns an hash reference of a week preference information from the
    table week_preferences for a given "locale" ID.

    The meaning of the fields are as follows:

    *   "week_pref_id"

        A unique incremental value automatically generated by SQLite.

    *   "locale"

        A "locale", such as "en" or "ja-JP" as can be found in table locales

    *   "ordering"

        This is "an ordered list of the preferred types of week designations
        for that"[1

        It is provided as an array of tokens.

        Known values in the array are:

        *       "weekOfYear"

        *       "weekOfMonth"

        *       "weekOfDate"

        *       "weekOfInterval"

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for more

        my $all = $cldr->week_preferences;

    Returns all the week preferences information as an array reference of
    hash reference from the table week_preferences

Format Patterns
    The following is taken directly from the Unicode LDML specifications
    l-table> and placed here for your convenience.


    *   "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz"

        1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT

    *   "EEE, MMM d, ''yy"

        Wed, July 10, '96

    *   "h:mm a"

        12:08 PM

    *   "hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz"

        12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time

    *   "K:mm a, z"

        0:00 PM, PST

    *   "yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa"

        01996.July.10 AD 12:08 PM

    See the date field symbols table
    e> for more details.

    *   "a" period

        AM, PM

        May be upper or lowercase depending on the locale and other options.
        The wide form may be the same as the short form if the “real” long
        form (eg ante meridiem) is not customarily used. The narrow form
        must be unique, unlike some other fields. See also Parsing Dates and


        *       "" (Abbreviated)

                am. [e.g. 12 am.]

        *       "aaaa" (Wide)

                am. [e.g. 12 am.]

        *       "aaaaa" (Narrow)

                a [e.g. 12a]

    *   "A" second

        Milliseconds in day (numeric). This field behaves exactly like a
        composite of all time-related fields, not including the zone fields.
        As such, it also reflects discontinuities of those fields on DST
        transition days. On a day of DST onset, it will jump forward. On a
        day of DST cessation, it will jump backward. This reflects the fact
        that it must be combined with the offset field to obtain a unique
        local time value. The field length specifies the minimum number of
        digits, with zero-padding as necessary.


        *       "A+"


    *   "b" period

        am, pm, noon, midnight

        May be upper or lowercase depending on the locale and other options.
        If the locale doesn't have the notion of a unique "noon" = 12:00,
        then the PM form may be substituted. Similarly for "midnight" =
        00:00 and the AM form. The narrow form must be unique, unlike some
        other fields.


        *       "b..bbb" (Abbreviated)

                mid. [e.g. 12 mid.]

        *       "bbbb" (Wide)


                [e.g. 12 midnight]

        *       "bbbbb" (Narrow)

                md [e.g. 12 md]

    *   "B" period

        flexible day periods

        May be upper or lowercase depending on the locale and other options.
        Often there is only one width that is customarily used.


        *       "B..BBB" (Abbreviated)

                at night

                [e.g. 3:00 at night]

        *       "BBBB" (Wide)

                at night

                [e.g. 3:00 at night]

        *       "BBBBB" (Narrow)

                at night

                [e.g. 3:00 at night]

    *   "c" week day

        Stand-Alone local day of week number/name.


        *       ""


                Numeric: 1 digit

        *       "ccc" (Abbreviated)


        *       "cccc" (Wide)


        *       "ccccc" (Narrow)


        *       "cccccc" (Short)


    *   "C"

        Input skeleton symbol

        It must not occur in pattern or skeleton data. Instead, it is
        reserved for use in skeletons passed to APIs doing flexible date
        pattern generation. In such a context, like 'j', it requests the
        preferred hour format for the locale. However, unlike 'j', it can
        also select formats such as hb or hB, since it is based not on the
        preferred attribute of the hours element in supplemental data, but
        instead on the first element of the allowed attribute (which is an
        ordered preferrence list). For example, with "Cmm", 18:00 could
        appear as “6:00 in the afternoon”.


        *       "C"


                8 (morning)

                Numeric hour (minimum digits), abbreviated dayPeriod if used

        *       "CC"


                08 (morning)

                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), abbreviated
                dayPeriod if used

        *       "CCC"


                8 in the morning

                Numeric hour (minimum digits), wide dayPeriod if used

        *       "CCCC"


                08 in the morning

                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), wide dayPeriod
                if used

        *       "CCCCC"


                8 (morn.)

                Numeric hour (minimum digits), narrow dayPeriod if used

        *       "CCCCCC"


                08 (morn.)

                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), narrow
                dayPeriod if used

    *   "d" day of month

        Day of month (numeric).


        *       "d"


                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "dd"


                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "D" day of year

        The field length specifies the minimum number of digits, with
        zero-padding as necessary.


        *       "D...DDD" day

                345 Day of year (numeric).

    *   "e" week day

        Local day of week number/name, format style. Same as E except adds a
        numeric value that will depend on the local starting day of the
        week. For this example, Monday is the first day of the week.


        *       "e"


                Numeric: 1 digit

        *       "ee"


                Numeric: 2 digits + zero pad

        *       "eee" (Abbreviated)


        *       "eeee" (Wide)


        *       "eeeee" (Narrow)


        *       "eeeeee" (Short)


    *   "E" week day

        Day of week name, format style.


        *       "E..EEE" (Abbreviated)


        *       "EEEE" (Wide)


        *       "EEEEE" (Narrow)


        *       "EEEEEE" (Short)


    *   "F" day

        Day of Week in Month (numeric). The example is for the 2nd Wed in


        *       "F"


    *   "g"

        Modified Julian day (numeric). This is different from the
        conventional Julian day number in two regards. First, it demarcates
        days at local zone midnight, rather than noon GMT. Second, it is a
        local number; that is, it depends on the local time zone. It can be
        thought of as a single number that encompasses all the date-related
        fields. The field length specifies the minimum number of digits,
        with zero-padding as necessary.


        *       "g+"


    *   "G" era

        Era name.


        *       "G..GGG" (Abbreviated)


                [variant: CE]

        *       "GGGG" (Wide)

                Anno Domini

                [variant: Common Era]

        *       "GGGGG" (Narrow)


    *   "h" hour

        Hour [1-12]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in
        an API for flexible date pattern generation, it should match the
        12-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (h or K); it should not
        match a 24-hour-cycle format (H or k).


        *       "h"

                1, 12

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "hh"

                01, 12

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "H" hour

        Hour [0-23]. When used in skeleton data or in a skeleton passed in
        an API for flexible date pattern generation, it should match the
        24-hour-cycle format preferred by the locale (H or k); it should not
        match a 12-hour-cycle format (h or K).


        *       "H"

                0, 23

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "HH"

                00, 23

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "j"

        Input skeleton symbol

        It must not occur in pattern or skeleton data. Instead, it is
        reserved for use in skeletons passed to APIs doing flexible date
        pattern generation. In such a context, it requests the preferred
        hour format for the locale (h, H, K, or k), as determined by the
        preferred attribute of the hours element in supplemental data. In
        the implementation of such an API, 'j' must be replaced by h, H, K,
        or k before beginning a match against availableFormats data.

        Note that use of 'j' in a skeleton passed to an API is the only way
        to have a skeleton request a locale's preferred time cycle type
        (12-hour or 24-hour).


        *       "j"


                "8 AM"


                "1 PM"

                Numeric hour (minimum digits), abbreviated dayPeriod if used

        *       "jj"


                "08 AM"


                "01 PM"

                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), abbreviated
                dayPeriod if used

        *       "jjj"


                "8 A.M."


                "1 P.M."

                Numeric hour (minimum digits), wide dayPeriod if used

        *       "jjjj"


                "08 A.M."


                "01 P.M."

                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), wide dayPeriod
                if used

        *       "jjjjj"





                Numeric hour (minimum digits), narrow dayPeriod if used

        *       "jjjjjj"





                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed), narrow
                dayPeriod if used

    *   "J"

        Input skeleton symbol

        It must not occur in pattern or skeleton data. Instead, it is
        reserved for use in skeletons passed to APIs doing flexible date
        pattern generation. In such a context, like 'j', it requests the
        preferred hour format for the locale (h, H, K, or k), as determined
        by the preferred attribute of the hours element in supplemental
        data. However, unlike 'j', it requests no dayPeriod marker such as
        “am/pm” (it is typically used where there is enough context that
        that is not necessary). For example, with "jmm", 18:00 could appear
        as “6:00 PM”, while with "Jmm", it would appear as “6:00” (no PM).


        *       "J"



                Numeric hour (minimum digits)

        *       "JJ"



                Numeric hour (2 digits, zero pad if needed)

    *   "k" hour

        Hour [1-24]. When used in a skeleton, only matches k or H, see


        *       "k"

                1, 24

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "kk"

                01, 24

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "K" hour

        Hour [0-11]. When used in a skeleton, only matches K or h, see


        *       "K"

                0, 11

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "KK"

                00, 11

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "L" month

        Stand-Alone month number/name: For use when the month is displayed
        by itself, and in any other date pattern (e.g. just month and year,
        e.g. "LLLL y") that shares the same form of the month name. For
        month names, this is typically the nominative form. See discussion
        of month element.

        See also the symbol "M" for month.


        *       "L"

                9, 12

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "LL"

                09, 12 Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

        *       "LLL" (Abbreviated)


        *       "LLLL" (Wide)


        *       "LLLLL" (Narrow)


    *   "M" month

        Numeric: minimum digits Format style month number/name: The format
        style name is an additional form of the month name (besides the
        stand-alone style) that can be used in contexts where it is
        different than the stand-alone form. For example, depending on the
        language, patterns that combine month with day-of month (e.g. "d
        MMMM") may require the month to be in genitive form. See discussion
        of month element. If a separate form is not needed, the format and
        stand-alone forms can be the same.

        See also "L"


        *       "M"

                9, 12

        *       "MM"

                09, 12 Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

        *       "MMM" (Abbreviated)


        *       "MMMM" (Wide)


        *       "MMMMM" (Narrow)


    *   "m" minute

        Minute (numeric). Truncated, not rounded.


        *       "m"

                8, 59

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "mm"

                08, 59

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "O" zone


        *       "O"


                The short localized GMT format.

        *       "OOOO"


                The long localized GMT format.

    *   "q" quarter

        Stand-Alone Quarter number/name.


        *       "q"


                Numeric: 1 digit

        *       "qq"


                Numeric: 2 digits + zero pad

        *       "qqq" (Abbreviated)


        *       "qqqq" (Wide)

                "2nd quarter"

        *       "qqqqq" (Narrow)


    *   "Q" quarter

        Quarter number/name.


        *       "Q"


                Numeric: 1 digit

        *       "QQ"


                Numeric: 2 digits + zero pad

        *       "QQQ" (Abbreviated)


        *       "QQQQ" (Wide)

                "2nd quarter"

        *       "QQQQQ" (Narrow)


    *   "r"

        Related Gregorian year (numeric). For non-Gregorian calendars, this
        corresponds to the extended Gregorian year in which the calendar’s
        year begins. Related Gregorian years are often displayed, for
        example, when formatting dates in the Japanese calendar — e.g.
        “2012(平成24)年1月15日” — or in the Chinese calendar — e.g.
        “2012壬辰年腊月初四”. The related Gregorian year is usually displayed using
        the "latn" numbering system, regardless of what numbering systems
        may be used for other parts of the formatted date. If the calendar’s
        year is linked to the solar year (perhaps using leap months), then
        for that calendar the ‘r’ year will always be at a fixed offset from
        the ‘u’ year. For the Gregorian calendar, the ‘r’ year is the same
        as the ‘u’ year. For ‘r’, all field lengths specify a minimum number
        of digits; there is no special interpretation for “rr”.


        *       "r+"


    *   "s" second

        Second (numeric). Truncated, not rounded.


        *       "s"

                8, 12

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "ss"

                08, 12

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "S" second

        Fractional Second (numeric). Truncates, like other numeric time
        fields, but in this case to the number of digits specified by the
        field length. (Example shows display using pattern SSSS for seconds
        value 12.34567)


        *       "S+"


    *   "u"

        Extended year (numeric). This is a single number designating the
        year of this calendar system, encompassing all supra-year fields.
        For example, for the Julian calendar system, year numbers are
        positive, with an era of BCE or CE. An extended year value for the
        Julian calendar system assigns positive values to CE years and
        negative values to BCE years, with 1 BCE being year 0. For ‘u’, all
        field lengths specify a minimum number of digits; there is no
        special interpretation for “uu”.


        *       "u+"


    *   "U"

        Cyclic year name. Calendars such as the Chinese lunar calendar (and
        related calendars) and the Hindu calendars use 60-year cycles of
        year names. If the calendar does not provide cyclic year name data,
        or if the year value to be formatted is out of the range of years
        for which cyclic name data is provided, then numeric formatting is
        used (behaves like 'y').

        Currently the data only provides abbreviated names, which will be
        used for all requested name widths.


        *       "U..UUU" (Abbreviated)


        *       "UUUU" (Wide)

                "甲子" [for now]

        *       "UUUUU" (Narrow)

                "甲子" [for now]

    *   "v" zone


        *       "v"


                The short generic non-location format Where that is
                unavailable, falls back to the generic location format
                ("VVVV"), then the short localized GMT format as the final

        *       "vvvv"

                "Pacific Time"

                The long generic non-location format. Where that is
                unavailable, falls back to generic location format ("VVVV").

    *   "V" zone


        *       "V"


                The short time zone ID. Where that is unavailable, the
                special short time zone ID unk (Unknown Zone) is used. Note:
                This specifier was originally used for a variant of the
                short specific non-location format, but it was deprecated in
                the later version of this specification. In CLDR 23, the
                definition of the specifier was changed to designate a short
                time zone ID.

        *       "VV"


                The long time zone ID.

        *       "VVV"

                "Los Angeles"

                The exemplar city (location) for the time zone. Where that
                is unavailable, the localized exemplar city name for the
                special zone Etc/Unknown is used as the fallback (for
                example, "Unknown City").

        *       "VVVV"

                "Los Angeles Time"

                The generic location format. Where that is unavailable,
                falls back to the long localized GMT format ("OOOO"; Note:
                Fallback is only necessary with a GMT-style Time Zone ID,
                like Etc/GMT-830.)

                This is especially useful when presenting possible timezone
                choices for user selection, since the naming is more uniform
                than the "v" format.

    *   "w"

        Week of Year (numeric). When used in a pattern with year, use ‘Y’
        for the year field instead of ‘y’.


        *       "w"

                8, 27

                Numeric: minimum digits

        *       "ww"

                08, 27

                Numeric: 2 digits, zero pad if needed

    *   "W"

        Week of Month (numeric)


        *       "W"


                Numeric: 1 digit

    *   "x" zone


        *       "x"




                The ISO8601 basic format with hours field and optional
                minutes field. (The same as X, minus "Z".)

        *       "xx"



                The ISO8601 basic format with hours and minutes fields. (The
                same as XX, minus "Z".)

        *       "xxx"



                The ISO8601 extended format with hours and minutes fields.
                (The same as XXX, minus "Z".)

        *       "xxxx"




                The ISO8601 basic format with hours, minutes and optional
                seconds fields. (The same as XXXX, minus "Z".)

                Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601

        *       "xxxxx"




                The ISO8601 extended format with hours, minutes and optional
                seconds fields. (The same as XXXXX, minus "Z".)

                Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601

    *   "X" zone


        *       "X"




                The ISO8601 basic format with hours field and optional
                minutes field. The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when
                local time offset is 0. (The same as x, plus "Z".)

        *       "XX"



                The ISO8601 basic format with hours and minutes fields. The
                ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset is
                0. (The same as xx, plus "Z".)

        *       "XXX"



                The ISO8601 extended format with hours and minutes fields.
                The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when local time offset
                is 0. (The same as xxx, plus "Z".)

        *       "XXXX"




                The ISO8601 basic format with hours, minutes and optional
                seconds fields. The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when
                local time offset is 0. (The same as xxxx, plus "Z".)

                Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601

        *       "XXXXX"




                The ISO8601 extended format with hours, minutes and optional
                seconds fields. The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when
                local time offset is 0. (The same as xxxxx, plus "Z".)

                Note: The seconds field is not supported by the ISO8601

    *   "y"

        Calendar year (numeric). In most cases the length of the y field
        specifies the minimum number of digits to display, zero-padded as
        necessary; more digits will be displayed if needed to show the full
        year. However, “yy” requests just the two low-order digits of the
        year, zero-padded as necessary. For most use cases, “y” or “yy”
        should be adequate.


        *       "y"

                2, 20, 201, 2017, 20173

        *       "yy"

                02, 20, 01, 17, 73

        *       "yyy"

                002, 020, 201, 2017, 20173

        *       "yyyy"

                0002, 0020, 0201, 2017, 20173

        *       "yyyyy+"


    *   "Y"

        Year in “Week of Year” based calendars in which the year transition
        occurs on a week boundary; may differ from calendar year ‘y’ near a
        year transition. This numeric year designation is used in
        conjunction with pattern character ‘w’ in the ISO year-week calendar
        as defined by ISO 8601, but can be used in non-Gregorian based
        calendar systems where week date processing is desired. The field
        length is interpreted in the same was as for ‘y’; that is, “yy”
        specifies use of the two low-order year digits, while any other
        field length specifies a minimum number of digits to display.


        *       "Y"

                2, 20, 201, 2017, 20173

        *       "YY"

                02, 20, 01, 17, 73

        *       "YYY"

                002, 020, 201, 2017, 20173

        *       "YYYY"

                0002, 0020, 0201, 2017, 20173

        *       "YYYYY+"


    *   "z" zone

        The short specific non-location format. Where that is unavailable,
        falls back to the short localized GMT format ("O"). zzzz Pacific
        Daylight Time The long specific non-location format. Where that is
        unavailable, falls back to the long localized GMT format ("OOOO").


        *       "z..zzz"


    *   "Z"

        The ISO8601 basic format with hours, minutes and optional seconds
        fields. The format is equivalent to RFC 822 zone format (when
        optional seconds field is absent). This is equivalent to the "xxxx"


        *       "Z..ZZZ"


        *       "ZZZZ"


                The long localized GMT format. This is equivalent to the
                "OOOO" specifier.

        *       "ZZZZZ"



                The ISO8601 extended format with hours, minutes and optional
                seconds fields. The ISO8601 UTC indicator "Z" is used when
                local time offset is 0. This is equivalent to the "XXXXX"

    See the LDML specifications
    for more information on the date and time formatting.

Locale Inheritance
    When performing data look-ups, some data, such as width, may be missing
    and the default "wide" should be used, and sometime, the data is
    aliased. For example, "narrow" would be aliased to "abbreviated".

    Then, there is also a vertical inheritance, whereby a locale "fr-CA"
    would lookup up data in its parent "fr". When the inheritance is not
    natural, the "LDML" specifies a "parent". This information can be found
    in table locales. Ultimately, the root "locale" with value "und" is to
    be used.

    See the LDML specifications
    <> for more

    This module does not die upon errors, unless you have set fatal to a
    true value. Instead it sets an error object that can be retrieved.

    When an error occurred, an error object will be set and the method will
    return "undef" in scalar context and an empty list in list context.

    Otherwise, the only occasions when this module will die is when there is
    an internal design error, which would be my fault.

Advanced Search
    You can specify an operator other than the default "=" when providing
    arguments values, by placing it just before the argument value.

    Possible explicit operators are:

    *   "="

    *   "!="

    *   "<"

    *   "<="

    *   ">"

    *   ">="

    *   "~"

        Will enable the use of regular expression.

        Alternatively, you can use a perl regular expression using the perl
        operator qr

    For example:

        my $all = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start => ['>1991-01-01','<1995-01-01'],

    This would result in:

            tzinfo_id   => 594,
            timezone    => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            metazone    => 'Moscow',
            start       => '1994-04-30T21:00:00',
            until       => '1997-03-30T01:00:00',

    or, using the "~" operator:

        my $all = $cldr->time_formats(
            region => '~^U.*',
        my $all = $cldr->time_formats(
            region => qr/^U.*/,

    would result in:

                time_format_id => 141,
                region => "UA",
                territory => "UA",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "H",
                time_allowed => [qw( H hB h )],
                time_format_id => 142,
                region => "UZ",
                territory => "UZ",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "H",
                time_allowed => [qw( H hB h )],
                time_format_id => 155,
                region => "UG",
                territory => "UG",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "H",
                time_allowed => [qw( hB hb H h )],
                time_format_id => 194,
                region => "UY",
                territory => "UY",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "h",
                time_allowed => [qw( h H hB hb )],
                time_format_id => 226,
                region => "UM",
                territory => "UM",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "h",
                time_allowed => [qw( h hb H hB )],
                time_format_id => 227,
                region => "US",
                territory => "US",
                locale => undef,
                time_format => "h",
                time_allowed => [qw( h hb H hB )],

    For single result methods, i.e. the methods that only return an hash
    reference, you can provide an array reference instead of a regular
    string for the primary field you are trying to query. So, for example,
    using the example above with the "timezone" info:

        my $all = $cldr->timezone_info(
            timezone => 'Europe/Simferopol',
            start => ['>1991-01-01','<1995-01-01'],

    or, querying the calendar terms:

        my $all = $cldr->calendar_term(
            locale          => 'und',
            calendar        => 'gregorian',
            # format, stand-alone
            term_context    => 'format',
            # abbreviated, narrow, wide
            term_width      => 'abbreviated',
            term_name       => [qw( am pm )],
        # Returns an array reference like:
                cal_term_id     => 23478,
                locale          => 'und',
                calendar        => 'gregorian',
                term_type       => 'day_period',
                term_context    => 'format',
                term_width      => 'abbreviated',
                alt             => undef,
                term_name       => 'am',
                term_value      => 'AM',
                cal_term_id     => 23479,
                locale          => 'und',
                calendar        => 'gregorian',
                term_type       => 'day_period',
                term_context    => 'format',
                term_width      => 'abbreviated',
                alt             => undef,
                term_name       => 'pm',
                term_value      => 'PM',

    Of course, instead of returning an hash reference, as it normally would,
    it will return an array reference of hash reference.

    You can check if a table field containing an array has a certain value.
    For example:

        my $all = $cldr->metazones(
            has => [territories => 'CA'],

    This will return all metazone entries that have the array value "CA" in
    the field "territories".

    You can specify more than one field:

        my $all = $cldr->metazones(
            has => [territories => 'CA', timezones => 'America/Chicago'],

    You can also use an hash reference instead of an array reference:

        my $all = $cldr->metazones(
            has => {
                territories => 'CA',
                timezones => 'America/Chicago',

    And if the table contains only one array field, then you do not have tp
    specify the field name:

        my $all = $cldr->aliases(
            has => 'America/Toronto',

    This will implicitly use the field "replacement". However, if there are
    more than one array field, and you do not specify which one, then an
    error will be triggered. For example:

        my $all = $cldr->metazones(
            has => 'CA',
        say $cldr->error->message;
        # "There are 2 fields with array. You need to specify which one you want to check for value 'CA'"

    You can also ensure a certain order based on a field value. For example,
    you want to retrieve the "day" terms using calendar_term, but the
    "term_name" are string, and we want to ensure the results are sorted in
    this order: "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" and "sun"

        my $terms = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            term_type => 'day',
            term_context => 'format',
            term_width => 'wide',
            order_by_value => [term_name => [qw( mon tue wed thu fri sat sun )]],
        my @weekdays = map( $_->{term_name}, @$terms );
        # Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

    If we had wanted to put Sunday first, we would have done:

        my $terms = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            term_type => 'day',
            term_context => 'format',
            term_width => 'wide',
            order_by_value => [term_name => [qw( sun mon tue wed thu fri sat )]],

    The parameter "order_by_value" supersedes the parameter "order" that may
    be provided.

    You can specify a particular data type to sort the values returned by
    SQLite, by providing the argument "order", such as:

        my $months = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            term_type => 'month',
            term_context => 'format',
            term_width => 'wide',
            order => [term_name => 'integer'],

    or, alternatively, using an hash reference with a single key:

        my $months = $cldr->calendar_terms(
            locale => 'en',
            calendar => 'gregorian',
            term_type => 'month',
            term_context => 'format',
            term_width => 'wide',
            order => { term_name => 'integer' },
        my @month_names = map( $_->{term_name}, @$months );
        # January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

SQL Schema
    The SQLite SQL schema is available in the file "scripts/cldr-schema.sql"

    The data are populated into the SQLite database using the script located
    in "scripts/" and the data accessible from
    <> or from

    The SQL schema used to create the SQLite database is available in the
    "scripts" directory of this distribution in the file "cldr-schema.sql"

    The tables used are as follows, in alphabetical order:

  Table aliases
    *   "alias_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "alias"

        A string field.

    *   "replacement"

        A string array field.

    *   "reason"

        A string field.

    *   "type"

        A string field.

    *   "comment"

        A string field.

  Table annotations
    *   "annotation_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "annotation"

        A string field.

    *   "defaults"

        A string array field.

    *   "tts"

        A string field.

  Table bcp47_currencies
    *   "bcp47_curr_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "currid"

        A string field.

    *   "code"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean field.

  Table bcp47_extensions
    *   "bcp47_ext_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "category"

        A string field.

    *   "extension"

        A string field.

    *   "alias"

        A string field.

    *   "value_type"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

    *   "deprecated"

        A boolean field.

  Table bcp47_timezones
    *   "bcp47_tz_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "tzid"

        A string field.

    *   "alias"

        A string array field.

    *   "preferred"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

    *   "deprecated"

        A boolean field.

  Table bcp47_values
    *   "bcp47_value_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "category"

        A string field.

    *   "extension"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_append_formats
    *   "cal_append_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_available_formats
    *   "cal_avail_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

    *   "count"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_cyclics_l10n
    *   "cal_int_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_set"

        A string field.

    *   "format_type"

        A string field.

    *   "format_length"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_datetime_formats
    *   "cal_dt_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_length"

        A string field.

    *   "format_type"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_eras
    *   "calendar_era_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "sequence"

        An integer field.

    *   "code"

        A string field.

    *   "aliases"

        A string array field.

    *   "start"

        A date field.

    *   "until"

        A date field.

  Table calendar_eras_l10n
    *   "cal_era_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "era_width"

        A string field.

    *   "era_id"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_formats_l10n
    *   "cal_fmt_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_type"

        A string field.

    *   "format_length"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_interval_formats
    *   "cal_int_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        A string field.

    *   "greatest_diff_id"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "part1"

        A string field.

    *   "separator"

        A string field.

    *   "part2"

        A string field.

    *   "repeating_field"

        A string field.

  Table calendar_terms
    *   "cal_term_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "term_type"

        A string field.

    *   "term_context"

        A string field.

    *   "term_width"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "yeartype"

        A string field.

    *   "term_name"

        A string field.

    *   "term_value"

        A string field.

  Table calendars
    *   "calendar_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "system"

        A string field.

    *   "inherits"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

  Table calendars_l10n
    *   "calendar_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "calendar"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

  Table casings
    *   "casing_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "token"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

  Table code_mappings
    *   "code_mapping_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "code"

        A string field.

    *   "alpha3"

        A string field.

    *   "numeric"

        An integer field.

    *   "fips10"

        A string field.

    *   "type"

        A string field.

  Table collations
    *   "collation"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

  Table collations_l10n
    *   "collation_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "collation"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

  Table currencies
    *   "currency_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "currency"

        A string field.

    *   "digits"

        An integer field.

    *   "rounding"

        An integer field.

    *   "cash_digits"

        An integer field.

    *   "cash_rounding"

        An integer field.

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table currencies_info
    *   "currency_info_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "currency"

        A string field.

    *   "start"

        A date field.

    *   "until"

        A date field.

    *   "is_tender"

        A boolean field.

    *   "hist_sequence"

        An integer field.

    *   "is_obsolete"

        A boolean field.

  Table currencies_l10n
    *   "curr_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "currency"

        A string field.

    *   "count"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "symbol"

        A string field.

  Table date_fields_l10n
    *   "date_field_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "field_type"

        A string field.

    *   "field_length"

        A string field.

    *   "relative"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

  Table day_periods
    *   "day_period_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "day_period"

        A string field.

    *   "start"

        A string field.

    *   "until"

        A string field.

  Table language_population
    *   "language_pop_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "population_percent"

        A decimal field.

    *   "literacy_percent"

        A decimal field.

    *   "writing_percent"

        A decimal field.

    *   "official_status"

        A string field.

  Table languages
    *   "language_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "language"

        A string field.

    *   "scripts"

        A string array field.

    *   "territories"

        A string array field.

    *   "parent"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table languages_match
    *   "lang_match_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "desired"

        A string field.

    *   "supported"

        A string field.

    *   "distance"

        An integer field.

    *   "is_symetric"

        A boolean field.

    *   "is_regexp"

        A boolean field.

    *   "sequence"

        An integer field.

  Table likely_subtags
    *   "likely_subtag_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "target"

        A string field.

  Table locale_number_systems
    *   "locale_num_sys_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "number_system"

        A string field.

    *   "native"

        A string field.

    *   "traditional"

        A string field.

    *   "finance"

        A string field.

  Table locales
    *   "locale_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "parent"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table locales_info
    *   "locales_info_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "property"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

  Table locales_l10n
    *   "locales_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_id"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table metainfos
    *   "meta_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "property"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

  Table metazones
    *   "metazone_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "metazone"

        A string field.

    *   "territories"

        A string array field.

    *   "timezones"

        A string array field.

  Table metazones_names
    *   "metatz_name_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "metazone"

        A string field.

    *   "width"

        A string field.

    *   "generic"

        A string field.

    *   "standard"

        A string field.

    *   "daylight"

        A string field.

  Table number_formats_l10n
    *   "number_format_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "number_system"

        A string field.

    *   "number_type"

        A string field.

    *   "format_length"

        A string field.

    *   "format_type"

        A string field.

    *   "format_id"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

    *   "count"

        A string field.

  Table number_symbols_l10n
    *   "number_symbol_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "number_system"

        A string field.

    *   "property"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table number_systems
    *   "numsys_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "number_system"

        A string field.

    *   "digits"

        A string array field.

    *   "type"

        A string field.

  Table number_systems_l10n
    *   "num_sys_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "number_system"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table person_name_defaults
    *   "pers_name_def_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A string field.

  Table rbnf
    *   "rbnf_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "grouping"

        A string field.

    *   "ruleset"

        A string field.

    *   "rule_id"

        A string field.

    *   "rule_value"

        A string field.

  Table refs
    *   "ref_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "code"

        A string field.

    *   "uri"

        A string field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

  Table scripts
    *   "script_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "script"

        A string field.

    *   "rank"

        An integer field.

    *   "sample_char"

        A string field.

    *   "id_usage"

        A string field.

    *   "rtl"

        A boolean field.

    *   "lb_letters"

        A boolean field.

    *   "has_case"

        A boolean field.

    *   "shaping_req"

        A boolean field.

    *   "ime"

        A boolean field.

    *   "density"

        An integer field.

    *   "origin_country"

        A string field.

    *   "likely_language"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table scripts_l10n
    *   "scripts_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "script"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table subdivisions
    *   "subdivision_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "subdivision"

        A string field.

    *   "parent"

        A string field.

    *   "is_top_level"

        A boolean field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table subdivisions_l10n
    *   "subdiv_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "subdivision"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

  Table territories
    *   "territory_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "parent"

        A string field.

    *   "gdp"

        An integer field.

    *   "literacy_percent"

        A decimal field.

    *   "population"

        An integer field.

    *   "languages"

        A string array field.

    *   "contains"

        A string array field.

    *   "currency"

        A string field.

    *   "calendars"

        A string array field.

    *   "min_days"

        An integer field.

    *   "first_day"

        An integer field.

    *   "weekend"

        An integer array field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table territories_l10n
    *   "terr_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table time_formats
    *   "time_format_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "region"

        A string field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "time_format"

        A string field.

    *   "time_allowed"

        A string array field.

  Table timezones
    *   "timezone_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "region"

        A string field.

    *   "tzid"

        A string field.

    *   "metazone"

        A string field.

    *   "tz_bcpid"

        A string field.

    *   "is_golden"

        A boolean field.

    *   "is_primary"

        A boolean field.

    *   "is_preferred"

        A boolean field.

    *   "is_canonical"

        A boolean field.

    *   "alias"

        A string array field.

  Table timezones_cities
    *   "tz_city_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "city"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table timezones_cities_extended
    *   "tz_city_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "city"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table timezones_cities_supplemental
    *   "tz_city_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "city"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table timezones_formats
    *   "tz_fmt_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "type"

        A string field.

    *   "subtype"

        A string field.

    *   "format_pattern"

        A string field.

  Table timezones_info
    *   "tzinfo_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "metazone"

        A string field.

    *   "start"

        A datetime field.

    *   "until"

        A datetime field.

  Table timezones_names
    *   "tz_name_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "timezone"

        A string field.

    *   "width"

        A string field.

    *   "generic"

        A string field.

    *   "standard"

        A string field.

    *   "daylight"

        A string field.

  Table unit_aliases
    *   "unit_alias_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "alias"

        A string field.

    *   "target"

        A string field.

    *   "reason"

        A string field.

  Table unit_constants
    *   "unit_constant_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "constant"

        A string field.

    *   "expression"

        A string field.

    *   "value"

        A decimal field.

    *   "description"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table unit_conversions
    *   "unit_conversion_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "source"

        A string field.

    *   "base_unit"

        A string field.

    *   "expression"

        A string field.

    *   "factor"

        A decimal field.

    *   "systems"

        A string array field.

    *   "category"

        A string field.

  Table unit_prefixes
    *   "unit_prefix_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "unit_id"

        A string field.

    *   "symbol"

        A string field.

    *   "power"

        An integer field.

    *   "factor"

        An integer field.

  Table unit_prefs
    *   "unit_pref_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "unit_id"

        A string field.

    *   "territory"

        A string field.

    *   "category"

        A string field.

    *   "usage"

        A string field.

    *   "geq"

        A decimal field.

    *   "skeleton"

        A string field.

  Table unit_quantities
    *   "unit_quantity_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "base_unit"

        A string field.

    *   "quantity"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

    *   "comment"

        A string field.

  Table units_l10n
    *   "units_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "format_length"

        A string field.

    *   "unit_type"

        A string field.

    *   "unit_id"

        A string field.

    *   "unit_pattern"

        A string field.

    *   "pattern_type"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "count"

        A string field.

    *   "gender"

        A string field.

    *   "gram_case"

        A string field.

  Table variants
    *   "variant_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "variant"

        A string field.

    *   "status"

        A string field.

  Table variants_l10n
    *   "var_l10n_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "variant"

        A string field.

    *   "locale_name"

        A string field.

    *   "alt"

        A string field.

  Table week_preferences
    *   "week_pref_id"

        An integer field.

    *   "locale"

        A string field.

    *   "ordering"

        A string array field.

    Jacques Deguest <>

    Locale::Unicode, DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR,
    DateTime::Formatter::Unicode, DateTime::Locale::FromData,

    Copyright(c) 2024 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

    All rights reserved

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.