[](https://travis-ci.org/moznion/p6-Router-Boost) NAME ==== Router::Boost - Routing engine for perl6 SYNOPSIS ======== use Router::Boost; my $router = Router::Boost.new(); $router.add('/', 'dispatch_root'); $router.add('/entrylist', 'dispatch_entrylist'); $router.add('/:user', 'dispatch_user'); $router.add('/:user/{year}', 'dispatch_year'); $router.add('/:user/{year}/{month:\d ** 2}', 'dispatch_month'); $router.add('/download/*', 'dispatch_download'); my $dest = $router.match('/john/2015/10'); # => {:captured(${:month("10"), :user("john"), :year("2015")}), :stuff("dispatch_month")} my $dest = $router.match('/access/to/not/existed/path'); # => {} DESCRIPTION =========== Router::Boost is a routing engine for perl6. This router pre-compiles a regex for each routes thus fast. This library is a perl6 port of [Router::Boom of perl5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Router::Boom). METHODS ======= `add(Router::Boost:D: Str $path, Any $stuff)` --------------------------------------------- Add a new route. `$path` is the path string. `$stuff` is the destination path data. Any data is OK. `match(Router::Boost:D: Str $path)` ----------------------------------- Match the route. If matching is succeeded, this method returns hash like so; { stuff => 'stuff', # matched stuff captured => {}, # captured values } And if matching is failed, this method returns empty hash; HOW TO WRITE A ROUTING RULE =========================== plain string ------------ $router.add('/foo', { controller => 'Root', action => 'foo' }); ... $router.match('/foo'); # => {:captured(${}), :stuff(${:action("foo"), :controller("Root")})} :name notation -------------- $router.add('/wiki/:page', { controller => 'WikiPage', action => 'show' }); ... $router.match('/wiki/john'); # => {:captured(${:page("john")}), :stuff(${:action("show"), :controller("WikiPage")})} ':name' notation matches `rx{(<-[/]>+)}`. You will get captured arguments by `name` key. '*' notation ------------ $router.add('/download/*', { controller => 'Download', action => 'file' }); ... $router.match('/download/path/to/file.xml'); # => {:captured(${"*" => "path/to/file.xml"}), :stuff(${:action("file"), :controller("Download")})} '*' notation matches `rx{(<-[/]>+)}`. You will get the captured argument as the special key: `*`. '{...}' notation ---------------- $router.add('/blog/{year}', { controller => 'Blog', action => 'yearly' }); ... $router.match('/blog/2010'); # => {:captured(${:year("2010")}), :stuff(${:action("yearly"), :controller("Blog")})} '{...}' notation matches `rx{(<-[/]>+)}`, and it will be captured. '{...:<[0..9]>+}' notation -------------------------- $router.add('/blog/{year:<[0..9]>+}/{month:<[0..9]> ** 2}', { controller => 'Blog', action => 'monthly' }); ... $router.match('/blog/2010/04'); # => {:captured(${:month("04"), :year("2010")}), :stuff(${:action("monthly"), :controller("Blog")})} You can specify perl6 regular expressions in named captures. Note. You can't include normal capture in custom regular expression. i.e. You can't use `{year:(\d+)} `. But you can use `{year:[\d+]} `. SEE ALSO ======== [Router::Boom of perl5](https://metacpan.org/pod/Router::Boom) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2015 moznion <moznion@gmail.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0. And original perl5's Router::Boom is Copyright (C) tokuhirom. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR ====== moznion <moznion@gmail.com>