NAME rpm-spec-license - Tool for working with RPM spec file licenses. SYNOPSIS rpm-spec-license [-f] [-g file_glob] [-h] [-s] [--version] [file_or_dir] ARGUMENTS * "-f" Print spec file name before license information. * "-g file_glob" File glob. Default value is '*', which mean looking for '*.spec' files. * "-h" Print help. * "-s" Skip RPM spec file parsing errors. Only print information to stderr. * "--version" Print version of script. * "file_or_dir" RPM spec file or directory with spec files. Default value is actual directory. EXAMPLE1 rpm-spec-license __dir_with_spec_files__ EXAMPLE2 rpm-spec-license __file__.spec REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2023 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01